The dark underbelly of America contains numerous warts, boils, and cancerous tumors, inflicted by that loathsome grimoire of madness that the elected leaders of our nation have become.

Well, I'm FedUp and I'm not taking it any more

Monday, January 14, 2008

The bush Family Of Criminals

There is very strong evidence that George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, along with the Du Ponts, Singer sewing machine heir Robert Sterling Clark, and other Wall Street interests conspired to install a fascist government in this country during the Great Depression.

The plot was exposed by Marine Major General Smedley Butler when he was approached to lead an army of World War I veterans against President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Here’s what BBC Radio has to say about this forgotten moment in U.S. history:

Not only can it happen here, it almost did in 1933. And the most corrupt family in American politics is trying to do the same thing again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Hillary or any republican become president our country will become a fascist state. This is for sure.

Liberals got women the right to vote.

Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.

Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.

Liberals ended segregation.

Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

Liberals created Medicare.

Liberals passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

What did the ignorant conservatives do?

They opposed them on every one of those things.

Every damn one!

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.