The dark underbelly of America contains numerous warts, boils, and cancerous tumors, inflicted by that loathsome grimoire of madness that the elected leaders of our nation have become.

Well, I'm FedUp and I'm not taking it any more

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Barak Bitch Slap

Barack Obama waited until the very end of his 49-minute speech in this 30,000-strong town before sticking it to a wounded Hillary Clinton.

Referring to Saturday night's debate between the four main Democratic candidates, Obama mentioned "one of his opponents" who, he said, had suggested that candidates should "stop offering the American people false hope" and that "people need a reality check."

"What does that mean?" he went on. "Does that mean J.F.K. should have looked up at the moon and said, 'Too far?'"

Obama also invoked the civil rights movement in his criticism, questioning whether such warnings should have caused Martin Luther King to stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and tell his followers, "Go home, the dream has died."

Obama made no reference to Clinton's uncharacteristic show of emotion earlier in the day when she tried to gain th sympathy vote by sheeding some tears. Does she REALLY think that crying is the mark of a strong leader? But Obama's event here offered its own surprise, if a less dramatic one. He was interrupted shortly after he began his speech by a group of pro-life protestors chanting, "Abortion is abomination." Stupid ass Christians with too much time on their hands.

A large chunk of the crowd began booing the demonstrators and some tried drowning them out with Obama's semi-official slogan: "Fired up! Ready to go!"

Obama, though, remained calm. Having first unsuccessfully tried to persuade the protestors to calm down with a promise to talk to them later, he then asked, "Are you guys gonna do this the whole time, or do we need to reschedule?"

Peace soon reigned again—the demonstrators were ejected from their upstairs position—and Obama sought to calm the crowd.

"Some people got organized to do that, and that's part of the American tradition we are proud of," he said, to applause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haven't these pro-lifers learned that they are losers. They voted for Bush a pro lifer and what did that accomplish? Nothing. The right will lie over and over telling these idiots that they will overturn Roe vs Wade yet they never do. Abortion is only a campaign slogan. Bush burned them and any other republican is going to burn them too. Just like the christians, they were promised the world and got nothing but lies.

When are these idiots going to learn? Nobody will overturn Roe v Wade. Stupid republican christian idiots....These people really love having their heads flushed in the toilet over and over again.

Liberals got women the right to vote.

Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.

Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.

Liberals ended segregation.

Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

Liberals created Medicare.

Liberals passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

What did the ignorant conservatives do?

They opposed them on every one of those things.

Every damn one!

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.