The dark underbelly of America contains numerous warts, boils, and cancerous tumors, inflicted by that loathsome grimoire of madness that the elected leaders of our nation have become.
Well, I'm FedUp and I'm not taking it any more!
Monday, January 31, 2011
We're SO Fucked As A Country
Now, the whole world is slipping and sliding and blaming each other for not cleaning it up. IN the meantime, the drunken fratboy, former President, is still drinking and telling his tales.
He was to be on C-SPAN today. In the ad for the interview, he appeared to have been on a month-long drunk. He has totally lost touch with whatever reality there was left. His dragging and slurring of words was more pronounced than ever.
It is immeasurable the damage that this one guy did, with the assistance of his political Party, the Republicans. Our nation may never recover. The whole world was damaged by his ideas and policies.
We should never forget that when he took office, there was a balanced budget and a $5-trillion surplus was forecast for our future.
Now, look at where we are. STILL with no delivered promise of "hope and change" from Obama and no real fix in sight.
YES Bush fucked up the economy and Obama has done NOTHING to fix it.
YES Bush fucked up the budget and Obama has done NOTHING to fix it.
YES Bush fucked up the environment and Obama has done NOTHING to fix it.
YES Bush fucked up America and Obama has done NOTHING to fix it.
So when will the American citizen wake up AND RISE UP and quit buying the horse shit these ELECTED cock-suckers feed us?
The most important task President Obama has is to erase 30 years of bullshit republican propaganda and replace it with truth and common sense. To re-educate and re-orient the populace. That will pave the way to all the reforms that need to occur and set the foundation that will rally the American people behind him and follow where he leads them.
That is why his compromises with republicans and his plea for us to "get along" was EXCRUCIATINGLY harmful.
To him. His 2012 election and AMERICA.
Time to vote for REAL hope and change people and NOT re-elect this imbecile to another 4 year term.
Media Irresponsiblilty
A small group gets a big PR boost in the Murdoch-owned WSJ:
For two years, local activists on a shoestring budget have been trying to document connections between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Monsanto, the company vilified by some for its heavy involvement in genetic engineering of crops. Try as they might, their work got little attention.
That all changed with the news, reported by The Wall Street Journal last week, that Monsanto was among the foundation's most recent portfolio investments. A filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission says the foundation bought 500,000 shares of the stock between April and June; on Friday, the total value was $27.6 million.
Thus the rest of the media is obliged to take notice. Bill's home-town paper responds with this "fair & balanced" article:
Gates Foundation ties with Monsanto under fire from activists
The article gives a reasonable summary of the WSJ piece, & then tells "both sides of the story" -- some people agree with these criticisms, some don't, e.g.:
"Our biggest concern is that the foundation is invested in Monsanto so they're looking for Monsanto to make a profit," said Travis English, of AGRA Watch. "What they're doing is opening up new markets in Africa for Monsanto to monopolize the seed market."
He sees it as a conflict of interest.
One philanthropy expert saw it differently.
Elise Lufkin, senior program director of Giving Assets Inc., a group that advocates socially responsible investing, said conflicts of interest usually arise when the programs a foundation funds are at cross purposes with companies in which they're invested — an environmental organization opposed to oil drilling whose endowment benefits from oil company stock, for example. The Gates investment is not necessarily a conflict of interest if the foundation and Monsanto share the same goals.
What the article doesn't tell you, though, is that "Giving Assets, Inc." is a non-profit registered in Washington but incorporated in Maryland. Spokesperson & registered agent Lufkin has an office on Eastlake in Seattle; the rest of the principals are in MD. .
A Seattle-based non-profit whose business is foundations & giving. If you're in the foundation/non-profit world in Seattle, you're connected to the Gates machine.
And indeed, "giving assets" is part of the Seattle Philanthropic Advisor Network, which is basically representatives of banks, corps, large charities, big seattle law firms, etc. who advise rich people about where to donate their money. The mucketies of the seattle charity world.
Noticing that "giving assets" was incorporated in 2009, we find: in 2009 the rockefeller foundation donated $200K to "giving assets" for fy 2009-2010.
Furthermore, we find "Giving Assets Inc" linked to the Rockefeller Foundation in a consortium here:
The founder of another member of that consortium, Ron Cordes of the Cordes Foundation, is also -- surprise -- one of the principals in "Giving Assets".
And we find that Lufkin & Freundlich were both formerly with Calvert, the final member of the consortium:
And we find that the Gates Foundation became Calvert donors in 2006:
Not only that; we find yet another consortium of foundations & non-profits organized for "impact investing" that includes Rockefeller, Calvert & Gates: The "Global Impact Investing Network":
The Global Impact Investing Network is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of impact investing. Impact investments aim to solve social or environmental challenges while generating financial profit.
“In June 2008, a broader group of 40 investors from around the world met to discuss what it would take for the impact investing industry to be able to solve more social and environmental challenges with greater efficiency. They organized behind a number of initiatives, including the creation of a global network of leading impact investors, the development of a standardized framework for assessing social and environmental impact, and a development of a working group of investors focused on sustainable agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.”
Finally, to complete the circle of backscratching: We find that AGRA, the organization that was criticized in the WSJ article about the group AGRA-Watch, was founded by the Gates & Rockefeller Foundations in 2006:
These alliances of "impact investors" seem to me to be nothing more than factions of capital organizing into gangs to steer the future their way -- using tax-free money.
My hypothesis is that Murdoch & Gates-Rockefeller belong to rival gangs.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Obama gives his State of the Union Address, something for everybody, some things good, some things bad, Democrats rally round, polls show it was well-received, case closed, end of story.
Not quite.
Here is a man who spent 2 straight years caving to the Republicans thinking the public would ultimately side with him, seeing how intransigent they are. Democrats were demoralized, the Republicans never turned over a new leaf, Democrats stayed home, the enthusiastic Republican fanatics rushed to the polls out of proportion with their percentage of the population, Obama looked weak, alienating independents and we got a Republican Congress even though at the start of Obama's administration there were all these predictions that we would have a Democratic Congress forever, the Republicans were through, etc. I saw plenty of that here on DU.
Harry Truman said, "If you run a Republican against a Republican, the Republican will win every time."
Obama went ahead and bailed out the banks and Wall Street but never did a jobs program, pushed healthcare that did in Clinton, and bang zoom, the GOP took over.
On top of this the liberal Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman consistently said that bailing out the banks and Wall Street was a very inadequate way to do stimulus since the rich already have more money than they can spend whereas the non-rich immediately spend the money you give them which then passes from person to person in a "multiplier effect." Instead, Krugman wanted a Federal jobs programs and things like that. On top of it all Krugman criticized Obama's stimulus in terms of actual dollars which he said was half of what we needed.
Krugman pointed out that we only really got out of the Great Depression with the massive spending in World War II and that now, albeit on peaceful purposes, we need that level of stimulus to get out of the economic near coma we are in. Instead, Obama in his speech tells us the stock market is way up, even though jobs are not. Krugman pointed out that it was that kind of spending in World War II that put people to work in factories (albeit defense factories) that resulted in the 1950s being so successful economically. He also pointed out that the added stimulus spending would have less dire interest rate impact than feared and part of the stimulus would be paid back in higher tax revenues from the economy going up. He also pointed out that it wasn't just the Stock Market Crash of 1929 that gave us the Great Depression but the fact that Herbert Hoover followed it with the chaser that he cut spending. Sort of like getting run over twice. When someone is badly injured they need life support. You don't pull the plug on the life support to save electricity. Krugman said this is the wrong time to fix the deficit. Good later on. But not now.
So now, after the horses have already left the barn, so to speak, after the GOP has already taken over Congress because Obama kept sucking up to them, ensuring that no such additional stimulus will be approved, NOW, all of a sudden Obama suddenly remembers his base and calls for spending on high speed rail, alternative energy, education, infrastructure and so on.
Too late. Where were you, Mr. President, for the last two years when we still had a Democratic Congress that progressives were SCREAMING at you that we needed more stimulus and we needed jobs programs?
You were busy packing your administration with Republican suck-ups and doing tons of sucking up yourself. Now calls for a second stimulus are dead in the water, now that the GOP has taken over Congress. This is all to appease the base with empty words.
There's a Jewish joke about a rabbi who is adjudicating a dispute in the ghetto between two litigants. One presents his case and the rabbi says, "You know what? You're right." Then he hears the other litigant and the rabbi says, "You know what? YOU'RE right." The rabbi's wife asks, "How can they BOTH be right?" Then the rabbi responds, "You know what? YOU'RE right TOO!"
Everybody's right.
Listening to Obama's speech was for me like that. He is for alternative clean energy. He is for dirty coal. He is for dangerous nuclear power, nuclear plants also being sitting ducks for terrorists hijacking planes.
He wants to do something about lost jobs going overseas. But he spouts the GOP mantra that those jobs aren't coming back. The GOP point was shut up and learn to like starvation wages while we make money hiring people in India. And Obama is spouting off this crap that it's a new world, a new world economy etc. get used to it. The same garbage the aristocracy has been shoveling at labor unions for years. If we have unlimited free trade there will ALWAYS be someone somewhere earning 2 cents an hour taking jobs from us. There is a need for some protectionism and tough sh*t on those who don't like it. But no, protectionism is a dirty word to Obama.
On and on Obama took both sides of one issue after another. And he's throwing bones to the right wing over and over, ROTCs on campus for instance. Cuts in spending. Fiddling with Medicare and Medicaid.
Now. Given that he is offering something to both Democrats and Republicans, but the Republicans control the Congress where legislation originates, which of these multiple choices do you think is going to get passed? And with some tweaking and bones to critics he will always be able to peel off enough Democrats in the Senate who face tough reelections that with massive GOP support he will get the right wing agenda passed in the Senate too. The OPERATIVE part of Obama's speech is the part where he caved to the GOP. THAT’S all that will get passed for the next two years.
Eliminating breaks for the oil industry? That is a regular riot. It will never happen under a GOP Congress. High speed rail? Same deal, too many pro-GOP lobbies, oil, airlines, auto industry will kill high speed rail as usual.
Why didn't Obama propose the high speed rail, the alternative energy and so on BEFORE the GOP took over the House?
Obama will get things done - the REPUBLICAN part. He will say, I finally got around to listening to the Democratic base. But oops! Too late! The GOP won't go along! THAT IS ALL WE HAVE HEARD FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS!!!!
As usual there was no toughness, no drawing a line in the sand. Harry Truman was called "Give 'em hell, Harry." Truman replied, "I don't give the Republicans hell. I give them the TRUTH. And they THINK it's hell."
Instead, Obama spent much of the speech reinforcing Republican ideology, beliefs and BULLSH*T.
Do you know WHY the GOP spent so much time screaming about the deficit under Obama when they never did under Bush? Because, as some Republicans have actually said, they see stimulus as PORK BARREL SPENDING. Spend enough on things people want or need and you get reelected. So they have come up with this mantra that Obama better not spend, the deficit is the reason there are no jobs, which is a total lie, and it is all so that they can keep the Democrats from doing the things needed to win the hearts of the public and get reelected.
Caving in to the GOP talking point that the deficit is the dire problem is a fool's game and Obama never speaks the DEMOCRATIC position. Don't forget that Eisenhower gave us the interstate highway system. A lot of what Obama said in his speech was like the words of a moderate Republican, nothing more. The GOP sets the agenda. The GOP tells everyone what to think and believe. And Obama does very little to rebut their ideology. And then he wonders why we got a "shellacking" in the 2010 election, to use Obama's own term for what happened.
So what happens from here? Firstly, Obama probably thinks that by giving the GOP some of what they want they will be forced to go along with some of what we want and make a deal. This has not happened for 2 years. They can keep obstructing no matter what because in any case THEY CONTROL THE MEDIA. If we are quiet it will never come back to haunt them. This is the president who fired an African American member of his government on a rumor because he had to have her out before Glenn Beck came on. His thinking is so short term, that he has absolutely no stick-to-itiveness to rub in and drive home a point over time and NAIL THE OTHER SIDE. He doesn't do anything to stop the Comcast merger. He doesn't protect net neutrality adequately.
He doesn't respond to Glenn Beck. I remember how Clinton once took on Rush Limbaugh. Obama would sooner hide under the desk. Millions have the fantasy that Beck speaks the truth because Obama can't take him on. Obama also confined his response to the Supreme Court corporate personhood decision to basically one speech. He wouldn't make a real fight of it, wouldn't rail and go after them. Now some Supreme Court justices have corruption issues but guaranteed Obama's Justice Department won't go after them just like they wouldn't go after Bush officials. We are living through a judicial coup d'etat but Obama won't speak out more than one speech basically.
So now he's a Republican, whistling in the graveyard.
The Talmud tells of a king who fortified his kingdom, but his capital city he did not fortify. And the Talmud says of him that he was a fool.
Obama is not defending the base, the home turf, Democratic boilerplate. He is not defending the home ground. Only because Democratic lawmakers put enormous pressure on him he is not listening to his right wing screw-Social-Security commission. (Though who knows if he'll cave in on THAT.)
Any other Democratic president would have seized on the GOP plot to destroy Social Security and he would have nailed them on it BEFORE THE 2010 MIDTERM ELECTIONS and we would still have a Democratic Congress.
There was violence and threats all through the 2010 election and Obama never made a stink about it. The average American read local news and didn't know what a national problem this violence was. Had Obama used the bully pulpit to make a stink about this DURING THE ELECTION there would still be a Democratic Congress AND GABBY GIFFORDS MIGHT NOT HAVE GOTTEN SHOT EITHER. If Obama didn't want to make a stink about the violence during the campaign for his own security reasons, he should have had surrogates like Joe Biden make the stink. We would still have a Democratic Congress now.
So now, after leaving the barn door open so the GOP could take over, NOW, all of a sudden Obama talks about some of the things he could have done HAD he not opened the door for the GOP to come in. All of a sudden he's for a second stimulus now that it's too late. The whole speech was a farce. He will never get the Democratic part of the speech passed but because he refuses to throw down the gauntlet with these bastards and is so desperate to get anything done even if it is something that SHOULDN'T be done, he has left himself vulnerable to their hanging tough, continually moving the goal posts and forcing him to keep caving for ANOTHER two years.
The Republicans, meanwhile, have proven that they don't need to get anything done and they will roll him once again despite his appeasing them. And if they do go along with a few things they will make it look like HE agreed with THEM and then, since the economy will go up some during this period regardless, they will say, "See? When you vote Republican, the economy will go up!"
Because Obama is not drawing clear lines with the GOP and is busy being in bed with them instead of making a clear distinction with them, he opens himself up to their interpretation of everything that happens. He makes their obfuscation easy. And then they will blame him for everything that goes wrong while taking credit for everything that goes right. Obama's determination to be in bed with the GOP leaves them an opening to play hocus pocus and obfuscate everything and take all the credit and dish out to him all the blame.
I think the speech was a disaster, the work or a lemming, not the fighter we need. He has set up two years of more weakness and failure and laid the groundwork for more GOP electoral gains.
The man has just seen this sort of appeasement lead to massive GOP gains but he learns nothing.
The result of all this is simple. The GOP is headed towards historic reversals of their loss in 2008 and we are in big trouble. In 2012 we will get a GOP Senate and are in grave danger of losing the White House.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Feingold 2012 - FUCK OBAMA
Russ Feingold was a different kind of senator—more committed to progressive principles than to a party, an internationalist who opposed free-trade deals because they served multinational corporations rather than multinational communities, a stalwart defender of the Constitution whose commitment to civil liberties and regard for the requirement that wars be declared by Congress led him to stand alone against presidents and colleagues.(...)
So it should come as no surprise that Feingold will be a different kind of ex-senator. Instead of retaining his residence in Washington and signing on with some K Street lobbying firm, he packed up his apartment and headed home to Middleton, Wisconsin, where he'll live in the same modest house he owned when he first ran for the Senate in 1992. Feingold has taken a teaching post at Marquette University's Law School in Milwaukee, and he's already outlining a book that will be highly critical of recent US foreign policy (...)
(...) What should progressives do now?
I don't know how it could be more stark or clear: this entire society is being dominated by corporate power in a way that may exceed what happened in the late nineteenth century, early twentieth century. The incredible power these institutions now have over the average person is just overwhelming: the way they can make these trade deals to ship people's jobs overseas, the way consumers are just brutalized and consumer protection laws are marginalized, the way this town here—Washington—has become a corporate playground. Since I've been here, this place has gone from a government town to a giant corporate headquarters.
To me, the whole face of the country—whether it be the government, the media, agriculture, what happens on Main Street—has become so corporatized that the progressive movement is as relevant as it was one hundred years ago, maybe more so. It's the same issues. It's just that power, because of money, international arrangements and communications, is so overwhelming that the average person is nearly helpless unless we develop a movement that can counter that power. I know we've all tried over the years, but this is a critical moment. We need to regenerate progressivism and make it relevant to what's happening right now. But there's no lack of historical comparison to a hundred years ago. It's so similar; the only real difference is that corporate power is even more extended. It's the Gilded Age on steroids.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A Message To ANY Teatard
Frances Fox Piven is a distinguished professor of political science and sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
At 78, she has taught several generations of students about how and why poor people don’t get a fair shake in the United States and how to increase their organizational power and encourage voter registration.
Such scholarship, evidently, is too much for Glenn Beck, who several months ago started to wage a nasty campaign against her.
He’s falsely accused her of being “an enemy of the Constitution” and an advocate of “violent revolution” and has listed her as one of the nine most dangerous people in the world.
Since he started to air these attacks, Piven has begun receiving death threats.
“I got e-mails that said, ‘Die You Cunt,’ and ‘May cancer find you soon,’ ” she tells The Progressive. “And people are posting my address on the Internet with their messages that are really crude and ugly and violent.”
According to the Center for Constitutional Rights, several death threats against her have been posted on Beck’s website.
Here are a few:
becky is so very transparent in his quest to be the publicity whore of the 21st century and in some ways his methods ARE effective, but I, being a liberal, challenge his manhood. You see, I couldnt disagree more with ANYTHING this radical piece of shit or his inbred followers stand for. I LAUGH at assholes like this and have no doubt that he couldnt stand toe to toe with Piven LET ALONE SOMEONE LIKE ME with his "5,000 rounds" rhetoric because I would stick those 5,000 rounds down is fucking throat in shutting him up.“Be very careful what you ask for honey…A few well placed marksmen with high powered rifles…”
“Maybe they should burst through the front door of the arrogant elitist and slit the cow’s throat.”
“Somebody tell Frances I have 5,000 rounds ready.”
“We should blow up Piven’s office and home.”
“Let’s go string her up.”
“Snap her little chicken neck. This pinko filth needs a long dirt nap.”
So my message to becky and all of his disciples DONT SING IT BING IT!
I kicked your type of bully ass in school yards at an early age and I have continued to stand up to you pansies my entire life whenever given the opportunity.
Friday, January 21, 2011
I Feel As If Im On An Island
But the Democrats from Obama on down have not represented my values over the last couple of years either. The so called independent candidates that broke from their parties alliances are fucking jokes and I dont feel ANY of our elected leaders are looking out for the average American. The working middle class.
What I consider to be Americas backbone.
I DO vote and I encourage others to do the same but who TRULY represents the interests of me and my peers? For once I would like to enter a polling place and NOT have to settle on the lesser of the two evils when casting my vote, as I have one in the last several elections.
I need to feel confidence in the electoral process and so do the bulk of the population. Thats why America has such a shitty turnout of voters every god damned election. Most see voting as an exercise in futility and THAT is not the American way.
So where do people like me go to once again gain confidence in our government and more importantly OUR COUNTRY?
Liberal Defined
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Worker Strikes Back
The protest — aimed at the Pulte Group, one of the nation’s largest homebuilders — quickly turned into a scrum as workers wearing hardhats and shouting through bullhorns overwhelmed the security staff at the JW Marriott, bursting into a crowded conference room before a stunned crowd of bankers.
Shouting “Where are the jobs?” and “Where is the money?” the protesters from the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association and the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, many in overalls and helmets, said taxpayers have provided $900 million in tax breaks to Pulte with the aim of creating jobs. They said they haven’t seen the results they were promised.
Hilariously, the banksters fled.
I tought we lived in the 21s century where racism is a non issue. It SHOULD be anyway. Yet here are some fine examples of why Im ashamed to be a white man living in America today.
-- July 2008: A gunman named Jim David Adkisson, agitated at how "liberals" are "destroying America," walks into a Unitarian Church and opens fire, killing two churchgoers and wounding four others.
-- October 2008: Two neo-Nazis are arrested in Tennessee in a plot to murder dozens of African-Americans, culminating in the assassination of President Obama.
-- December 2008: A pair of "Patriot" movement radicals -- the father-son team of Bruce and Joshua Turnidge, who wanted "to attack the political infrastructure" -- threaten a bank in Woodburn, Oregon, with a bomb in the hopes of extorting money that would end their financial difficulties, for which they blamed the government. Instead, the bomb goes off and kills two police officers. The men eventually are convicted and sentenced to death for the crime.
-- December 2008: In Belfast, Maine, police discover the makings of a nuclear "dirty bomb" in the basement of a white supremacist shot dead by his wife. The man, who was independently wealthy, reportedly was agitated about the election of President Obama and was crafting a plan to set off the bomb.
-- January 2009: A white supremacist named Keith Luke embarks on a killing rampage in Brockton, Mass., raping and wounding a black woman and killing her sister, then killing a homeless man before being captured by police as he is en route to a Jewish community center.
-- February 2009: A Marine named Kody Brittingham is arrested and charged with plotting to assassinate President Obama. Brittingham also collected white-supremacist material.
-- April 2009: A white supremacist named Richard Poplawski opens fire on three Pittsburgh police officers who come to his house on a domestic-violence call and kills all three, because he believed President Obama intended to take away the guns of white citizens like himself. Poplawski is currently awaiting trial.
-- April 2009: Another gunman in Okaloosa County, Florida, similarly fearful of Obama's purported gun-grabbing plans, kills two deputies when they come to arrest him in a domestic-violence matter, then is killed himself in a shootout with police.
-- May 2009: A "sovereign citizen" named Scott Roeder walks into a church in Wichita, Kansas, and assassinates abortion provider Dr. George Tiller.
-- June 2009: A Holocaust denier and right-wing tax protester named James Von Brunn opens fire at the Holocaust Museum, killing a security guard.
-- February 2010: An angry tax protester named Joseph Ray Stack flies an airplane into the building housing IRS offices in Austin, Texas. (Media are reluctant to label this one "domestic terrorism" too.)
-- March 2010: Seven militiamen from the Hutaree Militia in Michigan and Ohio are arrested and charged with plotting to assassinate local police officers with the intent of sparking a new civil war.
-- March 2010: An anti-government extremist named John Patrick Bedell walks into the Pentagon and opens fire, wounding two officers before he is himself shot dead.
-- May 2010: A "sovereign citizen" from Georgia is arrested in Tennessee and charged with plotting the violent takeover of a local county courthouse.
-- May 2010: A still-unidentified white man walks into a Jacksonville, Fla., mosque and sets it afire, simultaneously setting off a pipe bomb.
-- May 2010: Two "sovereign citizens" named Jerry and Joe Kane gun down two police officers who pull them over for a traffic violation, and then wound two more officers in a shootout in which both of them are eventually killed.
-- July 2010: An agitated right-winger and convict named Byron Williams loads up on weapons and drives to the Bay Area intent on attacking the offices of the Tides Foundation and the ACLU, but is intercepted by state patrolmen and engages them in a shootout and armed standoff in which two officers and Williams are wounded.
-- September 2010: A Concord, N.C., man is arrested and charged with plotting to blow up a North Carolina abortion clinic. The man, 26-year--old Justin Carl Moose, referred to himself as the "Christian counterpart to (Osama) bin Laden” in a taped undercover meeting with a federal informant.
Sigh. >facepalm<
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Conservatives will not speak out.
They will blame the lone, solitary, shooter...
They will blame liberal society...
They will blame anything and everything but modern-day conservatism, which preaches that liberals and democrats are the bona fide enemies of America and a threat to the nation's very existence.
And as long as that is the case, the bodies will continue to pile up.
Only the most naive of political observers could ever fail to see the obvious consequences of proclaiming that any group of Americans was a "threat" to their existence or the existence of the nation and not realize that different people would deal with that "threat" in different ways.
And that leaves it up to us to speak out.
We need not mince words - it is vital that we speak clearly and succinctly but most importantly, firmly.
Conservatism must change.
It must evolve.
To believe otherwise is to help pass around the nails for the next coffin in which the next liberal democrat will be buried in.
No one was out there speaking about the radical right-wing elements that threaten our civil society until Janet Napolitano issued a DHS report warning about extremists that might resort to violence - a report which conservatives across the country demanded to be immediately rescinded. Now that we have seen a series of right-wing assassinations take place, the original DHS report looks, in hindsight, to have been very timely and prescient.
We have seen Jim David Adkisson open fire upon the congregation of the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church with a sawed-off shotgun, killing two, simply because he opposed the all-inclusive nature of the church, and of the church's liberal teachings. Adkisson wrote in a letter which he assumed would be his last, "I thought I’d do something good for this country — kill Democrats ‘til (sic) the cops kill me.” His hatred for his fellow Americans could not be contained: “Liberals are a pest like termites, millions of them … the only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is kill them in the streets, kill them where they gather.”
James von Brunn, a radical right-winger from Maryland sought to turn the nation's Holocaust Museum into a symbol for his particular brand of racism, when he went there with the intent to kill blacks and Jews, as an example to the rest of white America to emulate. Luckily for those visitors inside of the museum, the first man von Brunn decided to open fire upon was a black man who had the ability to return the favor, and so no one besides than the very heroic Stephen T. Johns died that day.
Shawna Forde, and two other members of the anti-immigrant Minutman group which she founded, the ''Minutemen American Defense,'' decided that one way to finance her burgeoning organization was to dress up as law enforcement agents, and to rob Mexican immigrants. When Shawna and her compatriots illegally entered the home of Raul Flores, and demanded money, the head of the family ordered the trio to leave, prompting the radical right-wingers to put a bullet into the head of little 9 year old Brisenia Flores, and into the head of her father. Unluckily for the conservative killers, Brisenia's mother was able to barricade herself in her bedroom, where she kept a handgun, and she was able to keep at bay her would be assassins until the real police arrived.
Richard Poplawski opened fire on police officers during a domestic disturbance call, in April of 2009, killing three of them. Why? The 23 year-old right-winger feared that the President was poised to take away his hand guns.
Just a few days after that shoot-out, two sheriff’s deputies in northern Florida were shot and killed by Joshua Cartwright who later was fatally shot by other deputies. The reason, according to Cartright's wife, was because Joshua "believed that the US Government was conspiring against him," and, according to her, he had been severely disturbed that Barack Obama had been elected President.
Passing the hate down from one generation to the next, the father and son team of Bruce and Joshua Turnidge blew up a homemade bomb in December of 2008 which killed state police bomb technician William Hakim, who was trying to dismantle it, and Woodburn Police Capt. Tom Tennant, who was helping, during bank robbery in Woodburn, Oregon. The completely unrepentent Turnidges' plan was to rob banks to finance an anti-government militia group, and killing two police officers was small beans compared to what they really wanted to do to the Democratic majority in Washington DC.
The list of victims from right-wing terror does not stop there.
It goes on, and on.
Doctor George Tiller.
Arkansas Democratic Chairman Bill Gwatney.
Congresswoman Giffords and the other victims of the Tucson shooting are but the latest victims of this madness.
Hours before the shooting spree in Arizona which took 6 lives including that of a Federal Judge and a 9 year old little girl, Christina Greene (born on 9-11-2001), Representative Peter King, a conservative Republican and the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, made clear his intention to use taxpayers' money - our money - to investigate the radicalization of American Muslims, claiming in his zeal to persecute American Muslims, that "These are very legitimate hearings."
But since the day little Christina was brought into this world, on that fateful September morning, the number of victims who have been laid to rest due to domestic jihad pales when compared to those who have been killed by conservative terrorists during little Christina's short tenure on this earth.
For moderate republicans to hide these blood-thirsty radicals within their ranks behind the legitimate dissent of the anti-abortion lobby, or of that of any other conservative movement, be it anti-immigration, or advocates for 2d Amendment Rights, and to deny any responsibility for help in fostering these lunatic's bizarre views, doesn't help the moderate republican lobbies achieve their aims and goals...
It, instead, helps the radical conservative terrorists attain theirs.
We should be there, in Washington DC, on the first day that Rep. King convenes his American Muslim witch hunt.
We should be there to tell him with a thunderous voice that we know who the real domestic threats to America are.
I will be there.
Will you?
Del Wasso,
Rockford Coffee Party Coordinator,
Rockford, Illinois,
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Political Masturbation
We all lose an element of freedom when security considerations distance public officials from the people. Therefore, it is incumbent on all Americans to create an atmosphere of civility and respect in which political discourse can flow freely, without fear of violent confrontation.
(Even the focus on Sarah Palin is starting to tweak me, like, the problem isn't that a former half-term governor, loser VP nominee and reality-tv star says stupid shit constantly. The problem is that we lionize her stupid shit exactly 50 percent of the time and the other 50 percent we have nonsensical conversations about whether it's good for America. Either listen to her or don't, but for the love of God, pick one, and quit doing the thing where you don't want to be left behind on a story but you also don't want to be seen at the lunch table with her. We can tell what you're doing and it sucks.)
All these condescending third-rate pundits and semi-obscure politicians grabbing headlines by telling everybody else how terrible and awful they are. This isn't an actual advocacy of us doing anything, of reducing in any way the anti-government actions and anti-American actions taking place which are expressed in the words of batshit crazy TV hosts. It's just advocacy they be quieter about it, keep it under wraps and don't offend anyone by actually voicing the gruesome underpinnings of the anti-Obama backlash. It's just shaming everyone but the person doing the shaming. It's just a way of making oneself important, of making a distinction between people who believe government is Satan and people who believe government is Satan and are rude about it.
It's a way of pointing out that the speaker is just better than all you unwashed screwheads who say mean things. "I deplore the tone in this room" isn't an actual, you know, contribution to the conversation. "Have you no sense of decency?" is a contribution to the conversation, and a good question to boot. "I deplore the tone in this room" is a call for everyone to look at the noble guy in the corner who, unlike the rest of us Who Should Be Ashamed, has Our Best Interests at heart. He alone is standing up for ... using the right salad fork, or something. Nice words. Good grammar.
Greater civility and respect are not going to lead to anything other than the people who are calling for greater civility and respect getting invited onto the Sunday shows. Violence and disrespect don't make their greatest impacts in the words of our nuttier reality show hosts. They make their greatest impacts in the actions of our leaders. And our leaders' actions over the past 10 years, hell the past 40, have not exactly been a ringing endorsement and defense of the American system in the fact of an unbelievably uncivil assault. The real problem isn't that Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are assholes, it's that they're the only ones doing the talking while everybody else huddles in the corner muttering "both sides are at fault" and "I understand why people are angry about their taxes and all the socialism."
We don't need to be nicer to one another and never use gun metaphors. We need to be better to one another and KILL FEWER PEOPLE. We need to have greater civility and respect not just in our political discourse but in our politics and in our government.
Otherwise all we're doing is changing the words we use to talk about the hateful shit we do, and that isn't going to change anything at all.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Transparent As Mud
The political chattering classes were championing his credentials; many talking heads on the 'liberal left' were predicting the closure of Guantanamo, amendments to the Military Commissions Act of 2006 removing the suspension of habeas corpus, thorough Congressional investigations into warrantless wiretapping etc etc. The 'wish list' was endless, the previous president had spent the majority of his time in office eroding our Constitutional rights and civil liberties at home and tarnishing our image abroad - all sandwiched between his primary pursuit in office: family holidays at Kennebunkport.
Obama was going to be different, he planned to send Mr Lobbyist out of Washington, government was going to be clean, efficient and focused on the public good. He knew exactly the dirty secrets of government, an Obama '08 document entitled Restoring Trust and improving Transparency states "Oil and gas executives met with Vice President Cheney to write our energy laws, with the goal of increasing their profits and saddling the public with their environmental and public health costs; Cheney went to the Supreme Court to keep the names of these lobbyists secret." The gig was up for backdoor deals and the time of what Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig calls 'institutionalised corruption', was over. A new sheriff was coming to town.
Healthcare: A New Hope
So in January 2009, the nation turned to 'the great hope', Barack Obama, a man so familiar with the US Constitution one could imagine him being able to recite it backwards. As it turns out, it seems he interprets it backwards as well.
The first major event on the political calendar was healthcare reform, Democrats (and the tens of millions without healthcare insurance) were hoping to succeed where the Clintons had previously failed. Progressives were optimistically exuding large swathes of hope, dreaming of a public option. The Beltway political landscape was about to undergo a facelift, with the healthcare insurance lobby - one of the biggest 'cartels' in town - about to receive a swift boot to the unmentionables, better yet we were all going to see it live on national TV - Obama promised at least eight times that a debate on the healthcare issue would be televised.
We got screwed. We did get a televised debate, several Democrats went up against several Republicans spewing their respective talking points - no doubt written by political consultants and not by people in medical/public health field - an event watched by the 8 or 9 people constantly tuned into C-Span and the three others streaming it from the White House website. Don't worry if you missed the healthcare discussion, your in the company of the elected officials who allegedly took part in it.
The real debate took place behind the closed doors of the Oval Office, with a strict guest list including insurance executives and none other than the lobbyists who were supposedly being ushered out of town and back to Dodge.
Worst still, healthcare reform had miraculously overnight transformed into healthcare insurance reform, somehow the healthcare insurance industry had snagged the deal of the century, Obama had agreed to a policy that included a provision that every American had to buy healthcare insurance!
Talk of a public option, had been locked in a box, left in Dennis Kucinich's office on Capitol Hill - with the keys somewhere at the bottom of the Potomac - placed there to taunt him for the rest of his political life. I don't remember having the opportunity to tune into my local affiliate of the "I'm liberal, really I am" channel to watch that discussion, were those meetings available for view in your market?
Shining a light on the dark side
Okay, so Obama dropped the ball on healthcare, lobbyists are extremely well entrenched in Washington DC, maybe he was softening them up for the knockout punch some time down the line… or not. So turning once again to Obama's transparency platform, from the aforementioned campaign document - a rich source of political perfidy: "It is no coincidence that the disastrous policies of the Bush-Cheney years have been accompanied by unprecedented secrecy…"
In 'his' literary masterpiece Decision Points, George Bush, no doubt through the auspices of a ghostwriter, transparently admits, (enthusiastically to the point of being overzealous) that he ordered the use of waterboarding, an act that clearly falls under the traditional definition of torture. We, the US, openly admits to torturing individuals, what little moral capital the US once held, has disintegrated faster than that of Tiger Woods.
Many of us knew years ago that waterboarding (along with other inhumane practises) was being used on (mostly) illegally detained individuals in prisons that remain open and active under the Obama regime. Is the Obama regime prosecuting or even investigating these crimes that have been openly admitted to by the instigators like Berkeley Law professor John Yoo and the torturers? Heck no! Obama has famously said that we need to "look forward, not backward."
Next time I get pulled over for speeding, I hope the police officer has the moral vision of our president and accepts my pleas of 'I won't do that again, I promise'. I mean if it works for mass torture, surely… humour aside, the entire corruption of the interpretation of Constitutional Law in regards to Gitmo/'terror' detainees has not only led to a substantial reduction in the civil rights of most Americans; but also made it legally impossible to lawfully prosecute those who were genuinely out to cause harm. The case is building against teachers of Constitutional Law, it seems such a career is the best preparation for a life of subverting the Constitution.
Robot Santa
Not only is Obama against rescinding the scope of presidential executive orders - extended via the various post 9/11 security Act amendments collectively referred to as the Patriot Act - he has added a few extras, one being what I like to refer to as his "Presidential Execution Program" (PEP), PEP talks in the Oval Office have a distinctly different outcome, to pep talks in the locker room.
Obama has bestowed upon himself, the decision of which 'suspected' "evil doer" (we might as well use Bush rhetoric, since we are still very much beholden to his policies) gets to live or die. Very much reminiscent of the demented Robot Santa from Futurama, Obama maintains a list of 'naughty' individuals whose fate will undoubtedly involve a drone, some hellfires and ironically, little hope…
According to attorney, Maria LaHood, of the Centre for Constitutional Rights, who represents the father of the only person we know for sure that is on the list, Anwar al Awlaki, the list is not only secretive, but a Federal Court recently barred any discussion of releasing even the standards for what puts one on Obama’s hit list. Who knows, Anwar al Awlaki may be guilty of some treasonable offense, but where in the name of our legal system does a mere president of the USA get to decide without due process in a court of law who must die?
I can’t even begin to fathom the lack of moral outrage in this country against the PEP - no matter where any of us are on the political spectrum, such an affront to morality and legal procedure should be met with the most extreme rejection and hostility. Yet, I doubt if a majority of Americans even know that such a program exists.
Corporate welfare, public despair
Another flagrant violation of transparency began last April when the biggest environmental disaster in US history occurred in the Gulf of Mexico after an oil rig leased by BP blew up due to lax maintenance and weak governmental regulations favouring oil companies. A recent report from a study done on this catastrophe boldly states that the Obama administration engaged in a concerted cover up to underestimate the amount of oil released and the impact it had on the environment, humans and animal life.
The lingering affects of the oil mixed in with the dispersant, Corexit, are combining to give the residents of that region horrible health complications. Also, according to the above-mentioned report, the oil was only dispersed, not disappeared, and could be in the fragile ecosystem for decades before it fully goes away! The cover up of a disaster of this magnitude should be fodder for prosecution and removal from office of everyone involved - but while Ken Feinberg's Law firm pockets $850,000 per MONTH to administer the $20 bn BP victims’ fund, the people suffer economically and physically with very limited accountability, if any.
On his first day in office, Obama did restore the Freedom of Information Act, but, according to the Los Angeles Times, 14 months after the beginning of this era of "transparency," the Obama regime had denied more FOIA requests than that of Bush! Of course, the recent War on Transparency waged by the Obama administration has to be the current persecution of the WikiLeaks organization and one of its founders, Julian Assange. Even vice president of the USA, Joe Biden recently said that the disclosures provided no "substantive damage," even though there was some embarrassment to the 'Empire'.
If, as Biden says, the WikiLeaks disclosures don’t do substantive damage to the Empire (if they did, there’s always the thousands of nukes we have to back us up), then why the persecution of Assange and the threat of severely limiting everyone’s free and unfettered access to the internet? In the same week the latest document dump happened, the US government closed down 70 websites, just to show us that it could, and now the United Nations is discussing a global governmental committee to regulate the world-wide-web!
The hidden truth
Transparency should, but doesn’t begin at the top of the power pyramid. The increasing surveillance and persecution of peace and social justice activists coupled with the escalating use of full body scanners in US airports tells me that the only 'transparency' Obama wanted was for our clothes and our lives, not his administration.
What is the moral of the series of articles on Barack Obama? Do I believe that Obama is "evil incarnate?" No, but I believe the system that he is at the same time an advocate for, and tool of, is becoming increasingly evil, misguided and out of control with its wars abroad and oppressions at home.
Whether Obama came into Office with a naive agenda of liberating the US Public from the hold of the Lobbying Industry, or if he played the Left like Yo-Yo Ma plays the Cello, doesn't really matter. What matters is we are essentially experiencing the third term of G W Bush minus a few wins on the domestic front for the centre left - albeit wins by the two branches of Government Obama doesn't reside in.
The status quo has had us gripped for over a decade now, it's time for a change.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Idiots That Play With Guns
Now, with the assassination of a Federal Judge and the near assassination of beloved congresswoman, it is our responsibility to look this aggression straight in the eye, not make excuses for these terrorists, and get about the business of ridding our political discourse of the narrative of "don't retreat, reload."
I am deeply concerned that people seem anxious to put aside the political realities of this narrative of aggression that has produced this horrific tragedy. I believe that this is something that all people of good faith could agree on: we are a nation that resolves conflict without loading a gun in the first place -- much less "reloading."
The argument that the shooter was potentially insane holds no water for me. Is every suicide bomber mentally competent? Or, are the weakest used by the powerful to carry their bombs, their guns and their "messages"?
Sarah Palin likes to pose with guns, and the Republican National Committee uses gun possession as a litmus test for fitness of office. Do not think for a minute that these elites intend to open fire on congressional democrats -- they are cowards, encouraging the weakest of their flock to do their dirty work, because this gives meaning to their campaign slogans in the real world.
The unfolding discussion around this tragedy has opened my eyes to the horrific reality that there are those who would give cover to domestic terrorists. They're using the First Amendment as their golden shield. That we can't regulate speech is a burning straw man because no one intends to regulate speech, we intend to hold those using the threat of domestic terrorism accountable for the deaths they're responsible for.
The so-called "mainstream" American right wing has been using the threat of domestic terrorism for decades. They've been couching their discourse in the life-or-death struggle with "death panels," and that the president is a Muslim infiltrator, and that immigration is destroying the country. You can't scratch these rage nuts for years on end, without getting a violent rash.
For years, mainstream Republicans have been chipping away at the seal holding back an insurrection of violence in this country. Now the seal has been broken, and the American Right Wing, the Tea Party, and all their minions in the media with blood on their hands have nowhere to hide. They were so eager to "water the tree of liberty" with the blood of innocents and the soul of our nation. Well, congratulations -- you've got what you asked for.
There is no mental exam that can excuse political assassination and the shooting of 19 people at a political event. It was a planned massacre, aimed directly at a political leader of a specific stripe, carried out by people with a philosophy of hate.
Because the threat of domestic terrorism is real, as we saw yesterday, there is no longer any longer any political cover...for political leaders exploiting the fears of the weakest in their flock for their short term political gain. No more targets on congressional districts. No more guns touted at political rallies. The protest signs weren't funny then, and they can no longer be excused as oblique.
The threat to our country, and specifically to our party is very real. If you don't think this is serious, you're not paying attention.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Do not remain silent.
Conservatives certainly will not speak out.
They will blame the lone, solitary, shooter...
They will blame liberal society...
They will blame anything and everything but modern-day conservatism, which preaches that liberals and democrats are the bona fide enemies of America and a threat to the nation's very existence.
And as long as that is the case, the bodies will continue to pile up.
And that leaves it up to us to speak out.
We need not mince words - it is vital that we speak clearly and succinctly but most importantly, firmly.
Conservatism must evolve.
It must change.
To believe otherwise is to help pass around the nails for the next coffin in which the next liberal democrat will be buried in.
No one was out there speaking about the radical right-wing elements that threaten our civil society until Janet Napolitano issued a DHS report warning about extremists that might resort to violence - a report which conservatives across the country demanded to be immediately rescinded. Now that we have seen a series of right-wing assassinations take place, the original DHS report looks, in hindsight, to have been very timely and prescient.
We have seen Jim David Adkisson open fire upon the congregation of the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church with a sawed-off shotgun, killing two, simply because he opposed the all-inclusive nature of the church, and of the church's liberal teachings. Adkisson wrote in a letter which he assumed would be his last, "I thought I’d do something good for this country — kill Democrats ‘til (sic) the cops kill me.” His hatred for his fellow Americans could not be contained: “Liberals are a pest like termites, millions of them … the only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is kill them in the streets, kill them where they gather.”
James von Brunn, a radical right-winger from Maryland sought to turn the nation's Holocaust Museum into a symbol for his particular brand of racism, when he went there with the intent to kill blacks and Jews, as an example to the rest of white America to emulate. Luckily for those visitors inside of the museum, the first man von Brunn decided to open fire upon was a black man who had the ability to return the favor, and so no one besides than the very heroic Stephen T. Johns died that day.
Shawna Forde, and two other members of the anti-immigrant Minutman group which she founded, the ''Minutemen American Defense,'' decided that one way to finance her burgeoning organization was to dress up as law enforcement agents, and to rob Mexican immigrants. When Shawna and her compatriots illegally entered the home of Raul Flores, and demanded money, the head of the family ordered the trio to leave, prompting the radical right-wingers to put a bullet into the head of little 9 year old Brisenia Flores, and into the head of her father. Unluckily for the conservative killers, Brisenia's mother was able to barricade herself in her bedroom, where she kept a handgun, and she was able to keep at bay her would be assassins until the real police arrived.
Richard Poplawski opened fire on police officers during a domestic disturbance call, in April of 2009, killing three of them.
The 23 year-old right-winger feared that the President was poised to take away his hand guns.
Just a few days after that shoot-out, two sheriff’s deputies in northern Florida were shot and killed by Joshua Cartwright who later was fatally shot by other deputies. The reason, according to Cartright's wife, was because Joshua "believed that the US Government was conspiring against him," and, according to her, he had been severely disturbed that Barack Obama had been elected President.
The list of victims from right-wing terror does not stop there.
It goes on, and on.
Doctor George Tiller.
Arkansas Democratic Chairman Bill Gwatney.
Congresswoman Giffords and the other victims of the Tucson shooting are but the latest victims of this madness.
Hours before the shooting spree in Arizona which took 6 lives including that of a Federal Judge and a 9 year old little girl, Christina Greene (born on 9-11-2001), Representative Peter King, a conservative Republican and the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, made clear his intention to use taxpayers' money - our money - to investigate the radicalization of American Muslims, claiming in his zeal to persecute American Muslims, that "These are very legitimate hearings."
But since the day little Christina was brought into this world, on that fateful September morning, the number of victims who have been laid to rest due to domestic jihad pales when compared to those who have been killed by conservative terrorists during little Christina's 9 years on earth.
For moderate conservatives to hide these blood-thirsty radicals within their ranks behind the legitimate dissent of the anti-abortion lobby, or of that of any other conservative movement, be it anti-immigration, or advocates for 2d Amendment Rights, and to deny any responsibility for help in fostering these lunatic's bizarre views, doesn't help the conservative lobbies attain their aims and goals...
It, instead, helps the radical conservative terrorists attain theirs.
We should be there, in Washington DC, on the day Rep. King begins his American Muslim witch hunt.
We should be there to tell him with a thunderous voice that we know who the real domestic threats to America are.
Del Wasso,
Rockford Coffee Party Coordinator,
Rockford, Illinois,
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Year-to-date statistics on airport screening from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reveals significant discoveries:
- Terrorist Plots Discovered 0
- Transvestites 133
- Hernias 1,485
- Hemorrhoid Cases 3,172
- Enlarged Prostates 8,249
- Breast Implants 59,350
- Love Connections 1,141
- Natural Blondes 3
Friday, January 7, 2011
I am not a Moderate.
I am certainly not a Conservative.
I believe in open debate and free speech. I don't expect any place to believe exactly as I do. I don't think I would want to be at a place like that?
I think I am a very tolerant person. At least, I try to be. I have grown more tolerant as I get older but STILL have a severe contempt for stupid people..
I do believe in progressive values. I believe workers should share in their own productivity. I believe in healthcare for all. I believe in equal rights for all.
Also, I believe that equal justice has to be the cornerstone for any government. I do not believe anyone, President or anyone else, is above the law. I believe the military defense industry is more of a threat than a protector of our nation.
I believe the "global economy" is a way to destroy the standard of living in this country so corporations and multinationals can make a fortune off the cheap labor in developing countries. I do not believe any of these exploiters should have advantage of our tax system, as they do now.
I believe that all work is honorable and that all work should provide a means for survival. I believe that government is good and that it (we) should provide for those that are not able to take care of themselves, including the many homeless in this country. I think it is a disgrace that we allow people to make huge profits off the illnesses of others.
I believe both political Parties have become enslaved to the corporate dollars that fund their campaigns and that most of them look at public service as a career.
I believe that thoughts create words and that words create emotions. I believe that emotions can create actions and actions can create deeds. I believe strongly in the power of words.
I believe that I am my Brother's Keeper. What we do to the least of these, we do to ourselves.
Contrary to the conventional wisdom, I believe most of the people in this country are progressive in their thoughts. They do not believe that greed is good. They believe in helping their neighbors. They believe in fairness. Those are basic tenets of the progressive values which I share with them. They are not bad people. They are ignorant people that have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the powerful media propagandists in this country.
Finally, I should say, that I believe the only way to save this country from the depths we have sunk is by progressive ideas.
I believe those ideas are worth fighting for.
I am a liberal.
I AM Fed Up American dammit!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I almost got into a fist fight with a right-wing guy this morning
revised a bit by Fed Up American
He was looking at my neighbors house and told her to hold on to it ...that prices were going to go WAY up in the next year now that we have the Republicans back in charge. (I was looking at her internet cable outside...she lost the web..etc)
I didn't say a wasn't my place to get involved. (of course)
BUT..She asked: :What do you think about it, Fed Up ?
Fucking bitch. NOW the fun begins.
I said: Well, as I understand it, Prices will drop even more.
Realtor: What do you mean?
Me: I know lots of people that are under-water right now and who are wondering how to even make their next house payment....and soon these houses will be on the Market..adding to the overflow already.
Realtor: That's not true
Me: I beg to differ.. I know just about every one of them ...I see...ah...maybe 50-60 people each week and know most of my clients
(I like to get out and bother people) ....tell me things that only their hair-dresser knows.

Realtor: (Nasty Tone)'re full of it.
Me: (laughing)"I see the economy getting worse now that the same people who caused this down-turn in the economy are now back in charge the fact that the spread of wealth is going to get worse..much worse.
Realtor:'re one of those class-war liberals who don't understand that the wealthy built this country.
Me: Oh..Pleeeese..spare me that right-wing talking points..they're not true...the Rich are the ones that started the class wars.
If the wealthy were not getting all the money, the rest of us could just maybe afford their house payments and wouldn't have to put their keys in the mailbox and walk away from their responsibilities ....and houses wouldn't be sold for half their previous value.
Realtor: (Changing direction) George Bush and the Republicans have kept us safe. It cost us money but WE ARE SAFE! (starting to holler).
Me: Safe from what?? untold thousands of people have committed suicide from this down-turn and millions are under such stress that I guarantee their lives are being shortened...ask any doctor about that.
Realtor: No one's attacked any more buildings.
Me: Oh that's brilliant...right.. and if I turn around and clap my hands 3 times every day, no tigers are going to attack me at night.
Realtor: What??
Me: Never mind..The analogy is way over your head pincess.
Realtor: (Balls fist) maybe you need some sense put in your head.
Me: Don't even think about it wouldn't stand a chance. It would be a very bad move on your part.
(My neighbor is smiling through all of this..She's a FAR-left intelligent woman)
Realtor: turns around and gets in car..leaves..
Oh me...another day in Paradise
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2011 - The Year of the Insane
There is no “better” because the truth is that everything is different now.
Remember back in the early 90s when technology utopians brashly declared that the internet was going to “change everything?”
Well, here we fucking are.
I have witnessed a paradigm shift in the 21st century and the sooner you see it too the better off you will be because we will never have again what we once had. It is gone forever and it is now time to move on.
I keep hearing a woe is me attitude in America today. Costs are rising and wages (IF you're one of the lucky ones to HAVE a wage) are falling. The job market sucks especially for me because _____________________ (fill in the appropriate excuse low wage, ethnicity, age etc...) I heard them all and have actually saw the validity in each one.
Yet you continue to look for a job. Maybe its time to shake thing up a bit in the way you think. Maybe its time to quit bitching and use that great mind of yours to come up with a plan B. Use your many talents. The freelance market is wide open. Start that business you always dreamed about. Get out of your comfort zone and do something crazy.
So I am claiming 2011 as MINE. "The Year of the Insane," I challenge each and every one of you to do something crazy this year. Do something a bit out of character. Life aint going just so for you? Fix it. Find the way not the way out.
Go insane.
Here is MY manifesto for 2011:
- I’m gonna be changing things up quite a bit here at Fed Up American - new site, new show, new products & services, new direction focusing on the crossroads of life in these here United States. Stay tuned.
- I will focus more on solution instead of problem. I will STILL post things I perceive as problems however because one cannot find solutions without knowing what the actual problem is
- Kill it. (My IT is my passion) Be passionate about what you do. Its contagious.
So the time for pissing and moaning is over. Its time to get crazy.
2011 - The Year of the Insane.

Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.
Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
What did the ignorant conservatives do?
They opposed them on every one of those things.
Every damn one!
So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.