The dark underbelly of America contains numerous warts, boils, and cancerous tumors, inflicted by that loathsome grimoire of madness that the elected leaders of our nation have become.
Well, I'm FedUp and I'm not taking it any more!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I'm Putting The Band Back Together
In this election year, being Fed Up American means more to me than ever.
The bush administration has left America weakened and has destroyed two middle eastern sovereign nations. Countless money has been spent and copious amounts of blood has been spilled as a result and the republicans want to start up their criminal activity and further destroy America.
I will NOT let that happen.
That being said, Fed Up American will be resurrecting his blog talk radio shows helping expose the republican/conservative/teahadist agenda for what it truly is.
Join me on Friday September 3rd at 7:00 PM CST for 60 minutes of LIVE polit-speak call in show - Fed Up American style.
If you miss the LIVE broadcast be sure to check out the archives!
THANK YOU and I'll be looking for you Friday.
Monday, August 30, 2010
It IS Going To Happen
Your son is going to meet some slope-eyed gook in his high school science class, and think she’s the most beautiful, articulate young woman he’s ever met. He’s going to dream about taking her to the prom – and eventually, he will. And your ravings about it will fall on decidedly deaf ears. He’ll start wondering why you’re such a bloviating idiot, incapable of seeing in her everything that he sees, plain as day.
Your daughter is going to go away to college. She’s going to room with a dorm-mate she finds fascinating and witty. When she finds out her roommate is a lesbian, it’s not going to change her affection or admiration for her one iota. She’s going to question exactly what it is about this lovely friend, and people like her, that you find so offensive. She’s going to start finding you and your ideas to be more offensive than anything her roommate has ever said or done.
Your youngest brother is going to follow in the footsteps of his father, his grandfather, and his uncles, and join the military. He’s going to be stationed somewhere in the
Your favorite cousin is going to “come out” at a family reunion. He’s going to introduce his partner to everyone in attendance, and proudly so. Some of your family members will embrace the idea – some won’t. But those who do will start seeing you as a mindless homophobe, and will be grateful that their favorite cousin didn’t wind up with someone as blatantly narrow-minded as you take pride in being.
Your best bud at work is going to invite you to a meeting about joining a union. He’s going to explain to you why unions exist to protect workers’ rights, while you go on and on about socialism and communism (and all the other terms you don’t understand, but spew anyway by rote), and how the country is going down the toilet because workers are demanding safe working conditions and an honest wage. He’s going to realize you’re too deafened by talking points from the very people who don’t care whether you earn enough to look after your family to hear the facts that are in your own best interest.
And if you are religious, your wife is going to stop attending the church you and she have been members of for as long as anyone can remember, (at first with some sense of reluctance, and later with great enthusiasm), because she’s come to realize that the preaching of politics from the pulpit is as un-American as it is un-Christian.
She’ll remember that the story of Jesus taught his followers to look after the poor, the homeless, the sick, and the helpless in His name – and she’ll recognize that these simple truths have been supplanted by political persuasion that preach the exact opposite behavior as being so called “Christian family values” to be adhered to.
She’ll start wondering when the man she has shared a bed with for all of her adult life became too far removed from your Bible’s teachings to recognize that they are being turned into something hypocritical, something so contrary to their purpose. She’ll recognize that the man she looked up to for years has turned out to be someone to be looked down upon – an easily-manipulated sheep, as opposed to the manly shepherd she once thought she’d married.
Oh it IS going to happen. And this is how.
The world, and the nation we live in, changes every day – sometimes by inches, often in movements too small to be detected in the great scheme of things.
But it is changing – one citizen at a time, one moment-of-truth at a time, one life-long friendship at a time, one realization at a time, one mixed-race baby at a time, one inter-faith marriage at a time, one welcome to the community regardless-of-where-you-came-from at a time, one I-love-you-no-matter-what-comes-our-way at a time, one I-will-stand-with-you-and-uphold-your-rights at a time, one Nation Indivisible by those who would divide us for their own purposes, whatever their purposes might be.
To say that it’s going to happen is to predict the inevitable. It is happening as we speak.
And it is as righteous and pre-destined as it is wondrous to behold.
This country has, from its inception, been shaped by those who refused to be identified with one religion, one ethnic background, one political persuasion, one opinion, one language, one culture, one perception, one way of thinking, being, or believing to the exclusion of all else.
The tapestry we have become is enhanced by its many colors, and strengthened by its many threads.
That’s the way it always has been and that’s the way it will always be.
Like it or not.
It IS going to happen.
Vote For September Crazy Ass republican
Voting begins September 1 but until then who shall we nominate?
The pool is FILED with some great candidates to chose from.
Lets spend the next two days coming up with our nominee's and spend September voting for Septembers Crazy Ass republican.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Are We Scared Stupid Yet?
Edited on Wed Aug-25-10 02:37 PM by walldude
To whom it may concern,
You people need to get your shit together. Really. Because it's not working. Not at all. You are going to have to try much harder if you want to scare me. A Mosque in an old coat factory? Really? This is the best you can do? I'm supposed to be scared of some people worshipping some mythological figure in an old coat factory? Yeah I'm quaking in my little booties.
Social Security? This is all you got? Some rich jackass on TV telling me Social Security is a cow with 310 million tits? Are you even allowed to say tits in print or on TV? Really, you are going to have to do better than that old man. Go back to your gold plated bathroom fixtures and leave reality to real people. Ass.
Teachers? Really? I'm supposed to be afraid of teachers? Underfunded, underpaid, overworked, given a car with no wheels and told to win the Daytona 500, and I'm supposed to believe that the entire education system is fucked up because of.. teachers.. Yeah those bastards, taught my kids to read, to do math, they taught my kids how to learn and I'm supposed to be afraid of what those rotten bastards are doing to the school system. :eyes:
Obama? I'm supposed to be afraid of the scary Muslim Socialist Nazi Kenyan? After 8 years of George W Bush, terrorist attacks, 2 wars, economic meltdown, constitutional violations, signing statements, secret policy meetings, Guantanamo, Torture, Abu Grahib, deregulation and Wall Street Bailouts and I'm supposed to be afraid of Obama? I may not be happy with everything he's done and I may bitch about his appointments or policy decisions but please don't ever confuse my opposition with your paranoid fantasies.
I know there is an election coming up, and the time to try to scare the American people into voting against their own best interests is now but shit, is this the best you can do? It's a really sad state of affairs when the GOP and it's propaganda arms can't even get me scared of the Crazy, Nazi, Kenyan, Socialist, Muslim.
Next time you want to win an election, try not voting against health care for 9/11 first responders so you can keep foreign corporation tax loopholes in place. It looks really bad.
Fucking idiots.
Oh and a note to the Democrats:
Here's your chance to prove me wrong. The Republicans are desperate and they have handed you the election all wrapped up in a bow. All you have to do is get off the stupid faux Mosque controversy and get the message back to the GOP likes foreign corporations more than 9/11 first responders. It's the only message you need to win. Try not to fuck it up huh...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
repubicans Are American Terrorists
aura of an endangered species you just might be a republican.
Republicans are a group of wealthy capitalists, religious fundamentalists who think their religious beliefs are the sole correct ones and that there is a loosening of morals in the US. They are racists, and favor violence as the solution to a problem. They share these same values with their terrorist counter-parts Al Qaeda.
Never have so many filibusters been threatened as in the first two years of the Obama Presidency.
While the filibuster is a tactic used on both sides of the aisle, these numbers are unprecedented. Republican obstructionism is preventing the vast majority of legislation from moving forward and is thwarting the will of the American people. Republicans are hurting the country and the economy by refusing to let most legislation move forward without an intense and unnecessary political battle that winds up having the taxpayer pick up the tab.
Of course this is nothing new for the republicans. But at least there has always been some element of plausible deniability involved. They could point to some sort of policy argument, no matter how lame. Now, that's gone. With the absurdity of the premise totally exposed, this is nothing left but the naked attempt to terrorize
That's what the GOP has finally become:
Eat your heart out, KKK.
Action is my duty - Reward is not my concern
The American public has no idea just how terrible we've made conditions in Iraq.
August 22, 2010 |
Iraq has between 25 and 50 percent unemployment, a dysfunctional parliament, rampant disease, an epidemic of mental illness, and sprawling slums. The killing of innocent people has become part of daily life. What a havoc the United States has wreaked in Iraq.
UN-HABITAT, an agency of the United Nations, recently published a 218-page report entitled State of the World’s Cities, 2010-2011. The report is full of statistics on the status of cities around the world and their demographics. It defines slum dwellers as those living in urban centers without one of the following: durable structures to protect them from climate, sufficient living area, sufficient access to water, access to sanitation facilities, and freedom from eviction.
Almost intentionally hidden in these statistics is one shocking fact about urban Iraqi populations. For the past few decades, prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, the percentage of the urban population living in slums in Iraq hovered just below 20 percent. Today, that percentage has risen to 53 percent: 11 million of the 19 million total urban dwellers. In the past decade, most countries have made progress toward reducing slum dwellers. But Iraq has gone rapidly and dangerously in the opposite direction.
According to the U.S. Census of 2000, 80 percent of the 285 million people living in the United States are urban dwellers. Those living in slums are well below 5 percent. If we translate the Iraqi statistic into the U.S. context, 121 million people in the United States would be living in slums.
more: /
Friday, August 20, 2010
My Battle With The Crackheads
The battle rages on!
The latest comes from an unexpected source.
After Tuesday's raid and sweep of my apartment building tha resulted in 3 arrests, my land lord instructed me to "back off" or face eviction.
Looks like he's defending the criminals in his off time too.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
You Might Be A repulican If.......
- you think Sarah Palin would be a good presidential material.
- you watch Fox News and think it's really news. (like you think pro wrestling is really sports)
- you believe Glenn Beck's tears are for anything but his slumping ratings.
- you think liberals are out to get your guns.
- you are a closet homosexual, desire sex with children, can't stay faithful to your marriage or all of the above.
- you believe science is left wng propaganda.
- you think bombing for peace is a good idea
- you believe in democracy at the point of a gun
- your god can kick everyone else's gods ass.
- if you thing defending the Constitution and amending the hell out of it are the same thing.
- you think making the Bush ax cuts permanent is a good thing and you're not rich.
- you actually believe that the GOP has the best interests of America at heart.
- if you understand what Sarah Palin is saying.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Patrick Fitzgerald Should Be Jailed
The voice of te Illinois voter was ignored.
Yet Patrick Fitzgerald, the idiot douche nozzle that lead the charge against the Governor, remains free to go about his business (whatever the fuck THAT is) Fitz has a history of starting high profile cases against political leaders but FAILS to produce ANY of his promised results.
Why is his idiot allowed to continue his witch hunts on te tax payer dime?
Why has he not been jailed yet for filing false police reports?
Perhaps Blago will go on the offense now and SUE THE SHIT out of Fitzgerald.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Blagojevich Guilty On 1 Count Out Of 24
What a waste of taxpayer dollars.
Patrick Fitzgerald needs to be cock punched.
NOW the prosecution wants to spend MORE money and re-try the 23 hung counts.
What a joke.
What a waste of money.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Let's Assume That You're A Complete Fucking Idiot
Now despite your apparent lack of mental agility, critical reasoning skills, capacity to apply nuanced concepts to everyday situations, self-awareness, tolerance for diversity, understanding of complex political and economic mechanisms and generalized open-mindedness, your god-damned idiocy really never seemed that much of a problem for you.
You've always worked hard, raised a family, put a roof over their heads, drank beers with your buddies, hunted in season, watched the game on Saturday, went to church on Sunday, paid your taxes, saved up for your retirement and lived a generally productive, albeit non-descript, life. None of that complex political and economic mumbo-jumbo, that those Sunday morning talking heads and C-Span jerks always seemed to jibber-jabber about, really seemed to matter in the great scheme of things.
That was, of course, until things "CHANGED".
Your dollar doesn't seem to buy what it used to, that house that you worked so hard to own has become a monkey on your back, your job is fixin' to be outsourced, your fruity nephew in fruity California is about to get married to his fruity boyfriend, there are funny looking brown people who speak in funny sounding languages queuing up outside the Home Depot for work all the time and there's a Black Guy, who may or may not be some radical, hippie, Muslim, Commie from Africa taking up residence in the White House.
That's right, your world has turned Upside Down.
What do you do?
Well, because you're a god-damned idiot, you really never paid attention to civics, social studies and history in school. Those talking heads and jerks are always acting like that they're better than you are, because they use a lot of ten dollar words to talk over your pointy head. None of your beer drinking cohorts, hunting buddies, fellow church-goers or neighbors seem to know what the hell is going on and besides, every one of them are just as confused, angry and desperate as you are. Your politicians are utterly remote and uncaring. And you know full well that you don't have enough power or money to matter.
You're pissed off and you have no idea how or where to direct your piss offedness.
That is until, The TEBBAGGERS came to town.
These are people who are just like you, they've hit all the marks that you've hit all your life. They're all stupid, angry and confused (You really identify with that), yet, they've come to town with an important message from on high in the Stratosphere from the likes of people like Fox News, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
That message is that you have every right be pissed off. No one is looking out for you, especially that radical, hippie, Muslim, Commie Black Guy in the White House. He's too busy trying to take your guns away, invalidate your marriage license, raise your taxes through the roof, kill off your mom, give your job away to those funny sounding brown people, turn your church into a Muslim terrorist cubby hole and turn America into a Commie experiment full of white people in concentration camps (at least, that's what Fox, Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh said). You have NO reason NOT to trust them. Yes, these people who look just like you and are sounding just like you, have your best interest at heart... Because, you believe them when they tell you that they're all JUST LIKE YOU (Don't mind that fact that they're all millionaires and have never worked a hard day's labor ever once in all of their collectively pathetic lives).
They tell you that, to keep America free, we need to ensure that Social Security and Medicare are kept out of the hands of of a government that's currently being run by that radical, hippie, Muslim, Commie Black Guy from Africa, no matter what. That we must drill our way out of the dwindling of finite resources and that we need to keep the tax breaks for the relative few who can buy multi-million dollar yachts, jetliners and 100 room mansions with their pocket change. They tell you that ONLY your collective screaming and hissyfitting will save the day. That you DO matter, just as long as you're loud and parrot their talking points ad nauseum. They tell you that this is how the Forefathers made this country free and wrote the Constitution. They tell you you that your conservative beliefs are the solution to the problem (that they, in fact, created).
And yes, you believe ALL of this, because you're a god-damned idiot.
Now, I know that this goes against everything that you know, because you really don't know anything about what you're screaming about, but have noticed that everything that Fox, Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh said is wrong (That when it came down to brass tacks, your idiocy did not stop the people who aren't idiots from going forward and pulling your sorry, stupid asses along for the ride (at least part way)?
Well, of course not.
Let's not forget that you are, in fact, a god-damned idiot. And it's on the strength of that idiocy that your core beliefs never have to waver in the face of counter cyclical facts and absolute truth. Your idiotic "reality" insulates you from all of that. It keeps you warm at night and keeps the fires of anger, fear and confusion well stoked in your empty head like burning hot embers.
I'm sorry to say this, my idiotic friend, but there is no help for you. Because, in spite of all your vigorous teabagging, very little has changed. You've been so very angry all for naught. Yes, all you've done is dig a bigger hole for yourself. If you don't believe me, just take a look at your credit card bills since you've started on this teabagging adventure. Missing work and taking trips to a very expensive Nation's Capitol adds up, doesn't it? And I bet that your son has been talking to his fruity cousin in fruity California while you've been on the road. Apparently, teabagging is causing more problems than it solves. Perhaps, you should try something new?
Now, I have an honest suggestion and perhaps one that may make some sense for you to heed... Just follow Sarah Palin's sterling example: Quit.
Quit teabagging, because it hasn't stopped a damn thing. Quit listening to Fox, Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh, because they all have not told you one true thing. They make all of it up as they go along So turn it all off, you're better off using a Magic Eight Ball for answers. Quit buying so much ammo. You're making it scarce and running up the price so that it'll be harder to buy for hunting season. Quit standing out in the hot sun on the Washington Mall holding hand painted signs that are barely legible, because you scrawled them in a fit of anger. I bet that you never even wore enough sun screen, now did you? C'mon, the last thing that you need is skin cancer, you've got a house to maintain for you and your family. Quit, being so angry all the time. It runs up your blood pressure and makes you grit your teeth. The last thing that you need is a heart attack. Don't even bother voting, because Sarah won't be on any ballot this November, and none of the other candidates can hold a candle to her awesomeness. Especially, those Republican guys. Quit worrying about that radical, hippie, Muslim, Commie Black Guy in the White House. He's not going to be there forever. Heck, if you turn off your radio and TV, you can barely even notice that he's there at all. That's because, after he's gone, you'll still have your guns and mom will have never been a hundred miles from any direction close to a "Death Panel" and the Government will have not put its grubby hands on Social Security, Medicare or the Internet. They have other, bigger, oily fish to fry.
Quit worrying so much. You don't see Sarah worrying, now do you?
Do you know why? Well, it's because she quit, of course. And guess what, if she can do it, so can you.
Go back home. Post your thoughts on Facebook. Drink a beer. Get a life.
Quit being such a god-damned idiot.
Take it from a friend who cares; you'll feel much better about everything if you do.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
And these are some of my beliefs:
- Medicare for All.
- No pre-emptive war.
- No rendition.
- No wire tapping of citizens.
- I would like to see the ERA passed some day.
- I believe in a womans right to choice.
- I believe in the right for all to marry.
- I want DADT gone.
- I support a strong public school system.
- I support teachers.
- I support unions.
- Don't anyone dare to screw with SS.
- I wish policies focused more on main street, v wall street.
- I would like to see the people who gave orders to torture be prosecuted.
As far as I can tell, these beliefs or hopes or activism, are what the admin finds so offensive coming from the Professional Left. If you don't believe that is so, what has the newly ordained Professional Left done to deserve such scourge from Gibbs and the admin.?
I am truly curious to know.
Get Out The Vote!
Dave -- Eighteen years ago, shortly after graduating from law school, I helped lead a voter registration campaign in Chicago that generated record turnout on Election Day. That experience taught me one of the most important lessons I ever learned as a community organizer: When people promise that they'll do something -- like voting -- they are far more likely to do it. That's why one key part of our Vote 2010 plan this year is to get folks like you from across the country to commit to vote, to make sure we get as many people as we can to cast their ballots this fall. But getting the commitments we need starts with your own promise to make it to the polls and cast your ballot. Will you please commit to vote in the 2010 elections? Over the next 82 days, volunteers across the country will spend countless hours calling voters and knocking on their doors, asking them the same question. And you can bet that I am counting on you to join them in talking to voters in your community. This election offers a stark choice. We Democrats are hard at work trying to move America forward, repairing a decade of damage and growing an economy based on the Main Street values of hard work and responsibility. We've fought for and won historic reforms to our health care system, a victory 100 years in the making, and to Wall Street, the most sweeping overhaul of the financial system since the Great Depression. But after years of policies that landed us in the worst recession since the 1930's, the Republicans who got us there have not come up with anything different from the policies of George W. Bush. We simply cannot afford to go backwards or let them repeal our reforms. And making sure we can continue moving forward starts with your own promise to cast your ballot in these elections. Please commit to vote this fall: Thank you, President Barack Obama |
Monday, August 9, 2010
republicunts Plan To DESTROY America!
WOW ! Dick Morris Email Reveals Republican Secret Game Plan to Force States Into BANKRUPTCY- Breaking ALL Union Agreements !
By Greg Jones
National Director
I frequently listen to the opposition, from Fox News to Rush, because I have always felt it very important to stay abreast of just how they're thinking. They don't know it, but I'm also on the email list to receive some of the right-wing emails/messages they send to their fellow Repubs. I received one today from Dick Morris, the guy who talks out of the side of his mouth as a regular pundit on Fox News. Morris, a former Democrat, was part of the Clinton administration and has re-devoted his life to Dem/Obama bashing.
Today I received Morris' latest email stating what he feels the Republican strategy should be if they were to regain control...his 'answer' to solving the economic problems created by the Bush Regime. To my amazement (I don't know why I'm so surprised), based on Morris, the Republican strategy is to literally block much needed financial aid to struggling states with the ultimate goal being to force all of the states INTO BANKRUPTCY ! They also plan to break ALL union agreements including wages, rules, pensions and more ! Not only does this explain why Repubs are voting against everything that could be helpful to The Recovery, but this email is absolutely, incredibly revealing and spells out exactly what we can expect should we allow the Repubs to regain power. Below are excerpts from the Morris email/newsletter. Truly dangerous stuff. Here's what Morris wrote:
*As Congress reconvenes next week to pass a $26 billion bailout of state and local governments entombed in their own deficits, we witness a foretaste of the crisis that will be the central event of the first half of next year: the collapse of state governments.
*As long as the Democrats control Congress, they will continue to rubber-stamp Obama's requests for bailouts of profligate states. But when the Republicans take control, they will be less than forthcoming. Republicans will ask the central question: Why should taxpayers from states that have cut their budgets and observed spending restraint, pay for the extravagances of the other states? Why should forty-seven states have to pay for California, New York, and Michigan?
*The Republican solution to state financial distress should be simple: The Party should insist on a change in the federal bankruptcy law providing for a procedure for state bankruptcy (none now exists). This process must call for abrogation (means=to end) of all state and local public employee union contracts as is usually done in private sector bankruptcies. By freeing states and local governments (including school boards) of their union obligations on wages, work rules, staffing, and pensions, they have a chance to survive and, indeed, to prosper. But merely subsidizing these massive expenditures just prolongs the misery of the states in question.
*The collapse of overspending state governments must trigger the diminution of the power unions hold over their budgets and their politics. Their coming bankruptcies offer an opportunity for reform and the Republican Congress - backed by newly elected Republican state governments - give us precisely the opportunity we need to effectuate it. (*=Excerpts from emailed Dick Morris.Com newsletter entitled "The Coming Catastrophe: State Governments")
FACT: If the Repubs regain power...
we're in BIG trouble as a nation.
The Time is NOW...TO FIGHT !
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Calling All Fed Up Americans!!!
Consider this as a call to action.
If you enjoy what you read here or on my FaceBook pages I WANT YOU to help me expand our circle.
PLEASE recommend me to your friends and get them to do the same.
I believe we can grow this into a movement and our influence and knowledge can help shape our future and the future of our children.
WE CAN make a difference and we MUST keep America from EVER electing the likes of g. w. bush again.

Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.
Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
What did the ignorant conservatives do?
They opposed them on every one of those things.
Every damn one!
So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.