The dark underbelly of America contains numerous warts, boils, and cancerous tumors, inflicted by that loathsome grimoire of madness that the elected leaders of our nation have become.

Well, I'm FedUp and I'm not taking it any more

Monday, February 4, 2008

Allow Me To Open Up Your Eyes

Last week, bush gave Congress his last State of the Union speech. Proving that the presidency erodes a man--he looked worn, haggard, colorless and beaten.

His words rang vacant, hollow and scratched like fingernails across the chalkboard of Americans' sense of honesty.
On January 20, 2001, he raised his right hand and placed his left hand on the Holy Bible, "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

You know that god damn piece of paper.

Concerning the basics of our U.S. Constitution: he violated his oath of office and created a boondoggle of a legacy as he poured $3 trillion onto our national debt. He oversaw the loss of millions of jobs, accelerating trade deficits and foisted a complete fraud on us as to national security from terrorism with his failure to secure our borders. What about how he affected American families? What did he do to us on a personal level? What did he do to preserve, protect and enhance our lives?

Last week, in Denver, Colorado, 21 year old U.S. Army soldier Duncan Crookston died after five months of misery.
He suffered both legs blown off, his right arm amputated and his left hand cut from his body. He suffered horrific burns. His young wife sat by his bedside for five months only to see Crookston's life slip away.

That same sickening scenario repeated itself 3,900 times in the past six years since bush declared an unlawful war against a sovereign nation--after he strutted across an aircraft carrier with a banner that read, "Mission Accomplished!"

It means 3,900 family members trusted this psychopath to carry out his oath of office, but instead, he deceived them and us--into a vain war. He maintains his corrupt war with no plan for withdrawal-only more death and chaos. While he prolongs his personal war in Iraq, he protects the Korean border with 35,000 U.S. troops while allowing millions of illegal aliens and uncounted terrorists full access across our southern borders for the past seven years.

Any president with a brain larger than a prairie dog's would have sealed our southern borders on 9/12/01 as the oath of office demands, which is probably the reason bush didn't. While he kills or maims our kids in Iraq, thousands of our citizens suffered death from illegal aliens who drive drunk, murder, rape, rob and distribute drugs. All of those nightmares would have been prevented if he had followed through on his oath of office by securing our borders.

The other results of his Iraq War? He poured $1 trillion down a rat hole in Iraq and Afghanistan that hasn't improved those countries one iota-and hasn't caught Bin Laden or made this country safer. He killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. He inflamed the rest of the world against us. Over 75 percent of the troops from other countries pulled out. He's maimed and amputated 29,000 of our finest kids who trusted his felonious judgment and exposed them to Depleted Uranium.

Every year U.S. Army military suicides rise with 2007 topping at 121 kids. Dr. William Polk, author of "Violent Politics" told Congress last week, "More than 500,000 of our troops will need a lifetime of mental health care following their multiple deployments in Iraq." Bush spent 30 minutes insisting on how much progress we're making in Iraq.

Instead of taking care of the economic business of our nation, he watched annual trade deficits grow to $700 billion. He forced our country to borrow $2 billion daily to float our economy. Bush watched 10 million more illegal aliens cross our borders while he said, "They come to do the jobs that Americans won't do."

Migrants do those jobs at slave wages, but they enjoy anchor babies at our expense, free breakfasts and lunches in our schools on our tax dollar and 400,000 convicted felon illegals enjoy free room and board in our prisons. Meanwhile our middle class sank into a new 'poor class' here in America.
The facts show that those migrants, now 20 million strong, degraded our culture through lack of assimilation, and now, because of bush's non-enforcement policies, we must tolerate, "Press 1 for Spanish or 2 for English."

We must tolerate millions of illegals marching in our streets demanding rights they do not possess in our country, which they unlawfully entered.

Fallout while bush languished in the presidency:

1. Greatest foreclosure fraud on housing in American history.

2. No national energy policy.

3. No immigration policy that leads to a stable U.S. population.

4. Nothing advanced to employ 14 million unemployed Americans.

5. Horrific $9 trillion debt.

6. $3.50 a gallon gas.

7. Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare bankrupting.

8. War on Drugs a total and complete failure and waste of $560,000 billion during his watch.

9. Worked to dissolve America's borders by signing the Security, Prosperity Partnership that will destroy our sovereignty and force us into the North American Union with Canada and Mexico.

10. Patriot Act took away individual liberty.

bush's legacy stems from his lack of integrity.

Our predicament stems from his violation of his oath office.

He proves himself the most inept, incompetent and disastrous president since Wilson and the Federal reserve bank and Income tax debacle.

Are you Fed Up yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm fed up, I've been fed up.

Bush has destroyed our nation and now its up to Barack Obama to repair it.

Barack is going to have the hardest job any American has ever had.

It's up to the American People to assist Barack in this most grueling task.

It's up to the American People to say I'm fed up and I'm not going to take it anymore".

It's the American People's duty to take action.

To report illegals, force law enforcement to enforce our existing immigration laws. For our landlords and employers to deny them access.

It's up to the American People to refuse to pay Federal Income Tax, therefore refusing to support and fund the illegal occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq.

It's up to the American People to vote out any member of Congress that supports the funding of the war.
To vote out any member of Congress that has done nothing to deport the illegal aliens who have taken over our nation.
To vote out any member of Congress that has allowed our borders to remain wide open for any person who may do harm to America.
To vote out any member of Congress that supports any of Bush's policies.

It's up to the American People to demand that criminal law enforcement agents be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's up to the American People to vote responsibly.

It's up to the American People to become Fed Up.

It's up to the American People to DEMAND that Bush and Cheney be impeached.

Liberals got women the right to vote.

Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.

Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.

Liberals ended segregation.

Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

Liberals created Medicare.

Liberals passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

What did the ignorant conservatives do?

They opposed them on every one of those things.

Every damn one!

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.