~~~ George W. Bush ~~~
Supposedly, we've lost about 4,000 dead American boys and girls. That's the official toll but the real toll maybe many times that as any one who dies off of Iraqi soil isn't counted.
Even if they're brain dead when the evacuation flight takes off they won't be counted dead in the official count. Nor will they if they succumb to their wounds if they die in the air or in a hospital in Germany or America.
Isn't that special?
Again the official toll for those wounded in Iraq is slightly more than 16,000, many with head wounds that leave them just shadows of their former selves. The cost in treasure is well over two trillion dollars and rising, something that we, our children and their children will be paying off for decades to come.
Now you would think that when we combine our losses in Iraq with those in Afghanistan we'd know we have enough on our plates and have paid a high enough cost in blood and treasure. All this just so our masters in the oil cartels can rake in record, obscene, profits while various other corpo-rat entities and private armies of soldiers of fortune fill their coffers with riches supplied by American dead. You might think this but you'd be wrong.
Everyone in the Junta from Smirky on down to Proconsul Admiral William Fallon, the former commander of this flying circus, keep dropping hints that there is more death and destruction awaiting across the border in Iran.
As costly as this war has been on America, it is but a drop in the bucket compared to what it has cost the Iraqis and the surrounding countries. The current count by the rest of the world stands at 1.3 million Iraqi dead. I say the world count as we don't bother counting the dead in Iraq since they're not considered human and, thus, not worth counting by the Pentagoon.
Add to that another 2 million wounded Iraqis and another 4 million who were forced to flee their homes and become refugees. Count in this group most of Iraq's educated and skilled workers, couple that with the damage we've caused to the infrastructure and Iraq may never recover from our Imperial scams.
Throw in Bush's constant demands on the puppet government for an invite to maintain those permanent bases we've built all over the country and any hope the Iraqi's have is gone.
If they hated us for our freedoms, they wouldn't hate us now as our freedoms are all but gone. They never hated us for our freedoms to begin with. They respected us for our freedoms.
They hate us for what we do to them and others!
Let me close on our five years in Iraq with a very funny joke.
Have you heard the one about Tony Blair, co-architect of this war crime and star of the Blair Bitch Project?
He is going to be teaching "religion" at Yale.
I guess the Church of England doesn't have the commandments "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's" in their Bible?
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