The dark underbelly of America contains numerous warts, boils, and cancerous tumors, inflicted by that loathsome grimoire of madness that the elected leaders of our nation have become.

Well, I'm FedUp and I'm not taking it any more

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Presidents Day

So, yesterday was President's Day...big fucking deal.

It’s a national holiday where banks, libraries, schools and other federal institutions are given the day off and we are expected to honor all presidents of the past and present.
2012 also happens to be an election year. A time we are supposed to honor our future presidents by actually getting off our lazy American asses and vote for the person in a flawed two party system that sucks less than the other guy. 

We have presented to us the craziest of the crazy coming out of the republican party once again and we have an unchallenged by primary incumbent fraud coming from the dems and we’re all supposed to have this moms apple pie feeling falsely believing we live in a democracy when less than a fourth of our population takes the time to actually care enough to vote and the rest vote just to keep the other team off the field.

When you vote for a candidate who doesn’t represent your views in order to stop another candidate who doesn’t represent your views, you end up with a government that not only doesn’t represent you views, but is run by people who have no incentive or motivation to even consider what you might think.

Historically, the leaders that “We The People” elect have ALWAYS blown smoke up our asses. From General George to Mr Hope and Change. They have ALWAYS lied to us. Its what makes up the American political system. Without the smoke and mirrors the system would completely crumble, the wizard would be exposed as just a man hiding behind the curtain.

Sorry to burst the kumbaya moment for everyone but you need to wake the fuck up. It is those that we are supposed to honor today that have gotten us into this mess we find ourselves in. You can blame Congress, you can blame the other guys, you can blame your fucking weird Uncle Jessie that keeps asking you to pull his finger even though you are an adult and the amusement of that went away long ago.

Just like the amusement of falling for the bullshit that has come out of the White House for over 200 years.

You see, from the lies of our founding fathers who told us that all men were created equal when they were slave owners to the Nobel Peace prize winner that is responsible for more deaths than any other peace prize recipient have been meant to deceive and provide a false sense of greatness. Much like The Wizard and his munchkins.

We are supposedly the greatest nation on earth – according to what we are told anyway – yet we are no better than the third world countries that manufacture everything that Walmart sells. We have been a nation for 236 years and have been involved in some sort of war effort for 220 of them. We invade foreign countries and force our democratic way of life on their citizens at the point of a gun. We applaud when nations like Egypt rise up against their oppressive government yet treat those bold enough to protest in America as enemy combatants. We allow our citizens to starve or die from a treatable illness because their incomes are not sufficient enough to live while other citizens hoard the wealth they produce with the sole purpose of getting more. They avoid taxation and cry foul when asked to pay their fair share. 

And the people we are told to honor this day are the ones that have been bought and sold by those with the wealth. Their crimes and indiscretions forgiven and paid for by the blood of the poor.

It astonishes me to find that so many of our American citizens should be content to live under a system which leaves to their government the power of taking from them the trial by jury in civil cases, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of commerce, the habeas corpus laws, and of yoking them with a standing army. This is a degeneracy in the principles of liberty which I would not have expected for the greatest country in the world.

"There has never been a golden age of liberty, and there never will be. People who value freedom will always have to defend it from those who claim the right to wield power over others.

It’s a backwards fucked up society we live in today and I am NOT proud of my country. I love the land and most of its people but I despise our criminal elect. They keep us dumbed down enough to vote for them each election cycle and have turned us all into a nation of slaves. We are all slaves to our corporate masters. They continue to bend us over and drive their corporate personhood home without the benefit of even the slightest bit of lube and we continue doing the same things over and over as evidenced throughout our brief history expecting a different result.

And don’t get me started on the religious lunatic fucks that keep trying to shove their fantasy cock down everyones throat with their nonsensical bullshit. Personally I could give a flying fuck about what someone believes but when they try to legislate those same beliefs as reality I DO have a problem with that. With the insanity of a belief system that degrades women and reduces them to brood mares for men, that believes in talking snakes, rib women, zombie saviors and other superstitious nonsense AND with the mass hysteria and shared delusions attempting to run peoples lives is it any wonder America finds itself in the world of shit we are wallowing in.

Jack Nicholson in his role as The Joker said “This town needs an enema”

Truer words were never spoken.

Liberals got women the right to vote.

Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.

Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.

Liberals ended segregation.

Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

Liberals created Medicare.

Liberals passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

What did the ignorant conservatives do?

They opposed them on every one of those things.

Every damn one!

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.