The dark underbelly of America contains numerous warts, boils, and cancerous tumors, inflicted by that loathsome grimoire of madness that the elected leaders of our nation have become.

Well, I'm FedUp and I'm not taking it any more

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In The Last 10 Years Our Nation Has Changed Beyond Recognition

Edited on Mon Nov-29-10 11:01 PM by madfloridian
I am sure all the rightward movements and corporate grabs were going on before then, but I was too busy with life and getting by. I started paying close attention during the election of 2000. Living in Florida was pretty bad then, and it felt like the rug was pulled out from under us. I was on the internet some by then, but mostly doing family research and digitizing old family photos.

In 2000 we saw a side of our neighbors and friends we had never seen before. The election was divisive enough to bring out the radical side of people we had known for years. In 2003 it was a nightmare.

I grew up in this conservative religious area, and I had never seen it come out like this into the public venue. It got awkward and uncomfortable, and sometimes downright ugly. Our neighbors had signs in their yards supporting the president and the war. We found out local churches were providing many of those signs. Hubby and I realized our neighbors were conservatives, we were not. It had never mattered before.

It had not come up in all my years of teaching. No one threw their religion in our faces, it was a private thing usually. In 2003 the Southern Baptist churches in our area came out for the holy war in Iraq...the war between good and evil they called it. They called us unpatriotic, and we took our names off the roll then.

In 2003 we got excited because someone in our party was speaking out and saying that it was wrong to go to war when the truth was not being told. He wondered out loud why out Democratic leaders were voting for Bush's unilateral war on Iraq.

He wondered why we were supported Bush's tax cuts, wondered how we could afford them with our huge deficit. In fact that guy was on Rachel Maddow tonight saying the same thing.

He said something else tonight also on her show. He said that President Obama needed to be a leader, that he needed to stand up and take firm stands...that he was the only one who could do it because he has the bully pulpit.

He said we would lose the House and the White House if we did not start taking stands. Hubby and I both got tears at that because we know he is right.

He tried to change the system, and was chair when we took back the House, the Senate, and the White House. Then the party leaders made sure there was no place for him among them. The cut off started at once, and it was swift and to the point.

Now we are seeing the wobbly words on the tax cuts. There is no one saying let's stop giving in to the religious zealots on faith-based initiatives, on gay rights, on women's reproductive rights. There is no clear message. There is a fear of the right wing that seems to be paralyzing our party and our president.

There has been a movement by our party to continue the education policies of George Bush which amount to turning our schools over to private companies...while giving them our taxpayer money to make them richer. Teachers have spoken out, but they are not being heard, not even being listened to by this administration.

I used to feel safe and secure that Americans would fight back when certain things like Social Security and Medicare were threatened. I always felt comfortable that things would not get too bad here, that our leaders would step in and stop things from going too far in any directions.

I never thought our nation would get to the point that teachers were made to feel ashamed, that seniors would be called "the greediest generation" by a man appointed by our Democratic president. Or worse, that not a single Democratic leader would speak up for them and point out how they had paid into the system during their lifetimes. I never thought that two men who had such contempt for seniors would be put in charge of a commission to "fix" Social Security.

I always felt that our senior safety nets were untouchable. Now I realize they are not. I always felt our country would have the public school system that helped make it great...but we won't. It never occurred to me that the unions who helped build the middle class in this country would be treated badly by a Democratic administration.

I see that the very same centrists who helped run the DLC and the Third Way are forming a new party. They are calling it a centrist party, and the official name is the No Labels party. That is the bipartisanship they want. They think the Democratic party as it exists now has been taken over by liberals, I guess.

It just shows how what was once the right, a normal fairly moderate right....has kept moving to the extremes. And our party, instead of standing with its so-called liberals...has denounced them and moved right as well. They have twisted meanings and words until there is no longer any understanding of them.

We have kept going along with them, fearful of bucking the rightward trend, not wanting to hurt the feelings of the ones who took this country down in the Bush years.

There should have been someone to stop it. There has not been.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

ONE THIRD??? Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

This shit should NOT be happening in what is SUPPOSEDLY "The greatest country in the world"

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A third of Americans say they have gone without medical care or skipped filling a prescription because of cost, compared to 5 percent in the Netherlands, according to study released on Thursday.

The study is the latest in a series by the non-profit Commonwealth Fund showing that while Americans pay far more per capita for healthcare, they are unhappier with the results and less healthy than people in other rich countries.

The study published in the journal Health Affairs also showed that 20 percent of U.S. adults had major problems paying medical bills, compared with 2 percent in Britain and 9 percent in France, the next costliest country.

"U.S. adults were the most likely to incur high medical expenses, even when insured, and to spend time on insurance paperwork and disputes or to have payments denied," the report reads.

Read more:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Times They Are A Changin - Or Are They?

Posted by WilliamPitt in General Discussion

I tell myself all the time, "Things have never been this bad before."
I am then forced to remind myself, "Things could get worse." They often do.

And then I came across this passage this morning, which was written many years ago.


Now, what? While the new wave flowered, Lenny Bruce was hounded to death by the cops. For "obscenity." Thirty thousand people (according to Paul Krassner) are serving time in the jails of this vast democracy on marijuana charges, and the world we have to live in is controlled by a stupid thug from Texas. A vicious liar, with the ugliest family in Christendom...mean Okies feeling honored by the cheap indulgence of a George Hamilton, a stinking animal ridiculed even in Hollywood. And California, "the most progressive state," elects a governor straight out of a George Grosz painting, a political freak in every sense of the word except California politics...Ronnie Reagan, the White Hope of the West.

Jesus, no wonder Lionel had a stroke. What a nightmare it must have been for him to see the honest rebellion that came out of World War Two taken over by a witless phony like Warhol...The Expanding Plastic Inevitable, Lights, Noise, Love the Bomb! And then to see a bedrock madman like Ginsberg copping out with tolerance poems and the same sort of swill that normally comes from the Vatican. Kerouac hiding out with his "mere" on Long Island or maybe St. Petersburg...Kennedy with his head blown off and Nixon back from the dead, running wild in the power vacuum of Johnson's hopeless bullshit...and of course Reagan, the new dean of Berkeley. Progress Marches On, courtesy, as always, of General Electric...with sporadic assists from Ford, GM, ATT, Lockheed and Hoover's FBI.

- "The Ultimate Free Lancer," by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, November 1967


That was written forty-three years ago, possibly to the day. I was struck by how much of that two-paragraph passage sounds so eerily familiar. A "stupid thug from Texas" cuts too close to the bone, especially given George's recent return to the public prints.

The passage helped to remind me: yes, it's bad now. It's been bad before, too. In so many ways, there's nothing new going on right now.

This fight has been going on for a long, long time. The names change, but the ugliness has remained fully intact.

I knew this, but I guess I needed a reminder.

Did you?



Lawmakers will be returning to Springfield Illinois this week for the veto session. 

Medical cannabis patients and supporters once again will be in Springfield at the Capitol lobbying lawmakers to pass Senate Bill 1381.  For those who cannot make it to Springfield please call you State Representative everyday this week and politely and kindly tell them to "Vote Yes on Senate Bill 1381."  

By calling 217-782-2000 you'll be connected to the Capitol switchboard and the operator will be able to connect you with your State Representative's office in Springfield.   

The Illinois General Assembly website live streaming of floor debates and votes for legislation in House of Representatives and that would be the best way to stay up to date for when this bill will be called for a vote. 

If the bill is not called for a vote this week then the next chance will be November 29, 30 or December 1

Monday, November 15, 2010

The American - English Political Dictionary

Having trouble making sense of American political debate?

Your problem may be a semantic one. Many of the words used by politicians in the United States look and sound like English. For instance, “deficit” looks just like the word that means “the amount of short funding” if you speak English. But, in American, “deficit” means any government spending that enriches anyone other than yourself. Here are some other tricky words:

“Freedom” equals “fear.” Recall how Bush said that “terrorists” (another problematic word) envy us our “freedom”? Remember how you scratched your head over that one? What he meant to say is “Big Brother loves your fear.’ Yes, that is correct. “Terrorist” is a buzzword for “Big Brother” in His fearsome, wrath of God aspect. Do you seriously think that the United States government can not win a battle of wits with a bunch of guys living in caves in rural, Afghanistan? When the shoe bomb gets through, it is because “Big Brother” wanted it to get through.

How about “jobs”? I’ll bet you think you know what “jobs” are: the plural of “job”, what you do everyday so that you can pay the rent, right? Wrong. “Jobs” has nothing to so with flipping burgers or performing heart surgery. In American, “jobs” is defined by its opposite---“overhead”. When the new breed of conservatives talk about “increasing jobs” what they really mean is “lowering overhead.” And since a major component of the overhead of any company is its payroll, in order to cut costs, they have to cut jobs---or at least the amount of money they pay the people who work. So, when you hear that outsourcing, union busting, and mass layoffs “increase jobs” remember what “increase jobs” really means, and it will all make perfect sense.

Now the GOP’s official slogan of the 2010 midterm elections---“Jobs and Freedom”---makes sense. The party of Bush promised us “Lower overhead and more fear.” Good old fashioned American values.

Speaking of “values”, do not run to your Webster’s Dictionary if you want to figure this one out. A “value”, singular means either the worth of something or a deeply held belief. “Values” plural means “icky! as in sex with someone you would not personally want to sleep with or beating up someone you do not think has it coming or language your mother would wash your mouth out with soap if she heard you using it. “Values” is basically “personal preference” except without the “personal”, since it pretends to be a universal truth.

“Truth”? Don’t get me started. Philosophers have gone on and on about that one, but in American, “truth” means “loudest”. That is why conservatives always shout when they are on TV. That is why corporate media giants are born. Altogether now. We have always been at war with Oceana!

Why Do I Hate My Country???

The question was meant to be facetious, not insulting. But still, it caused me think about the issue – what it means “to hate” or “to love one’s country”.

It is an issue on which the elites who control our country – our elected politicians, as well as those who pay them to do their bidding – place a great deal of emphasis. More specifically, they use it to marginalize those who disagree with how our country is run.

These are the elites who refer to those who express opinions against the wars that they generate or support as “unpatriotic” or “treasonous”. They are the people who use the term “class warfare” to attack those who believe that the wealthy should pay their fair share of taxes, commensurate with what their country does for them. They are those who use the epithet “socialist” to describe anyone who believes that government should play an active role in providing opportunities for the most vulnerable of our citizens. They coined the term “loony conspiracy theorist” to describe anyone who expresses serious disagreement with their own version of history. They wield the term “big government” to express their ideology that only private individuals and corporations are capable of making contributions to society, thereby advancing the argument that the government that governs least is the government that governs best. They use the term “bleeding heart liberal” to describe anyone who expresses empathy for the unfortunate.

There is a purpose behind all of this. Being at the top of the hierarchy, they wish more than anything to preserve the status quo at the least, or better yet to expand their own wealth and power. In the service of that goal they pronounce and propagate a world view that lauds the current power structure in our country. They do this in their attempt to justify the fact that they have many magnitudes more wealth and power than the rest of us. After all, who would accept having many magnitudes less wealth and power than other people unless a justification is provided? In other words, they propagate their justifications in order to keep the vast majority of American citizens content and quiet, and convince some of them even to put their lives on the line by going to war to support their various causes.

The elites of all nations do this to some degree – some more than others.

What does it mean to love one’s country?

I’ve said before that the question of “loving your country” is so abstract as to be almost meaningless. What does it mean? Does it mean loving the laws and policies on which your country is based? Does it mean loving your country’s leaders? Does it mean loving most or all of your country’s citizens? Does it mean loving the physical geography of your country?

It can mean any or all of those things, and more. In my own personal view, loving or hating your country means above all loving or hating what your country does. What your country does is determined largely by its leaders. But all of us deserve at least some part of the credit or blame because to varying degrees we all support or enable what our country does, or we take various measures to cause it to follow a different path.

I hate a great deal of what my country does. It does good things too, but like most Americans I believe that it is definitely going in the wrong direction. In this post I wish to note the things that I most hate about what my country does. It is important to me to do this because I believe that too many Americans are too complacent about these things. Too many of us are too hesitant to verbalize – even to ourselves – what it is that we dislike or hate about our country because we have been conditioned since childhood to be too hesitant to do this. We have been conditioned to believe that harsh criticism of our country is tantamount to lacking “patriotism” at best, or treason at worst. We have learned that those who express such views can be and often have been marginalized by society. So here’s my partial list:

Things I hate about my country

The United States has by far the largest imprisonment rate of any nation in the world – 715 persons per 100,000 population in 2008. That amounts to more than two million imprisoned Americans.

You would think that this fact would give some pause to those who loudly proclaim the United States to be the “land of the free”. But it seems that most Americans either aren’t aware of this fact, or they are not very concerned about it – or both.

There are many reasons for our excessively large imprisonment rate – none of them good. In part it is racially driven, as suggested by many studies that show our justice system to be pervaded by racial bias. It is used to disenfranchise minorities, as was done in the 2000 presidential election in Florida, to hand the presidency to George W. Bush. It is facilitated by demagogic politicians who wish to enhance their image by appearing “tough on crime”. And it is fueled by the private prison industry, which spends millions to lobby our government for harsher and longer prison sentences in the interest of adding to their profits.

It is just plain shameful that our government hands off criminal justice responsibilities to private corporations who use the power given them in pursuit of their own private interests. Torture in our prisons is one of many tragic manifestations of that abrogation of responsibility. As one investigator explained:

You're not only seeing torture in action but, in the most extreme cases, you are witnessing young men dying. In one horrible scene, a naked man, passive and vacant, is seen being led out of his cell by prison guards. They strap him into a medieval-looking device called a 'restraint chair.' His hands and feet are shackled. There's a strap across his chest. His head rolls forward. He looks dead. He's not. Not yet." He's being punished for having a pillowcase on his head in his cell and refusing to remove it. Why? He has a long history of schizophrenia…

Imprisonment for victimless crimes is a prominent feature of our criminal justice system. It has been estimated that in the United States today, there are approximately 750 thousand individuals incarcerated for victimless crimes – mostly drug related. The presence of laws that allow for imprisonment for victimless crimes facilitates the introduction of racism into our criminal justice system. It contributes to organized crime. And it is a major reason for single parent households in our country.

Money in politics
Money is so freely used to influence elections in our country today that any reasonable assessment of American politics tells us that bribery is routinely used to buy and sell elections. So routine is it that it is actually built into our system and legalized. But that fact is never overtly spoken of. To do so would imply that our system of government is as much or more an aristocracy than it is a democracy.

The enabling of money to influence elections in our country makes a mockery of the presumed principle of one person-one vote. The money is used primarily to flood our nation with propaganda – in print and over the “public” airways – on behalf of the candidates who represent the rich and powerful. That propaganda represents a powerful force in our elections because it requires countering with counter messages from the other side – which lacks the money to do that. To the extent that money is thus enabled to influence our elections, democracy is corrupted or negated.

Rampant militarism
The United States is now virtually in a state of permanent war. It annually spends close to $700 billion on defense, almost as much as the rest of the world combined. It has been estimated that it now has more than 700 military bases scattered throughout the world.

During the latter half of the 20th Century the United States engaged in violent interventions against sovereign nations more than any other nation of the world, mostly on behalf of right wing dictators who promised to protect American interests. A partial list of illegal, immoral, or genocidal overseas military and other aggressive interventions in sovereign nations since 1893 includes: Hawaii (1893); Puerto Rico (1898); Cuba (1898-1903); the Philippines (1899-1902); Nicaragua (1909); Honduras (1912); Russia (1918-); Iran (1953); Vietnam (1954-73); South and Central America (1954-); Cuba (1961); Indonesia (1965); the Dominican Republic (1965); Cambodia (1970-75); Laos (1969-74); and East Timor (1975).

Most or all of the military or CIA interventions noted above were illegal as well as immoral. And there have been lots more. The mere fact of forceful intervention against a sovereign nation is what made them illegal and immoral. Beyond that, many or most of them were associated with additional crimes and/or atrocities.

U.S. leaders always have propaganda ready to justify those interventions that it can’t or doesn’t care to hide from the American people. That propaganda serves to placate too many U.S. citizens. But the rest of the world isn’t much fooled.

Tom Engelhardt, in his book “The American Way of War – How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s Wars”, provides an apt analogy for the U.S. invasion of Iraq and its insistence that it has to maintain its presence there (albeit with “non-combat” troops) indefinitely to clean up the mess:

An uninvited guest breaks into a lousy dinner party, sweeps the already meager meal off the table, smashes the patched-together silverware, busts up the rickety furniture, and then insists on staying ad infinitum because the place is such a mess that someone responsible has to oversee the cleanup process.

What’s remained in all this, remarkably enough, is our confidence in ourselves, our admiration for us, our – well, why not say it? – our narcissism. Nothing we’ve done so far stops us from staring into that pool and being struck by what a kindly, helpful face stares back at us…

The U.S. contribution to global climate change
Climate change is threatening to destroy our planet. Brian Fagan describes the catastrophes that are likely to befall humanity if climate change is not adequately addressed, in his book “The Great Warming – Climate Change and the Rise and Fall of Civilization”.

Today, we are experiencing sustained warming of a kind unknown since the Ice Age. And this warming is certain to bring drought – sustained drought and water shortages on a scale that will challenge even small cities… Imagine how many people might uproot themselves if the choice were between famine and food. Many believe the wars of coming centuries will not be fought over petty nationalisms, religion, or democratic principles, but over water, for this most precious of all our commodities may become even more valuable than oil. They are probably correct.

The U.S contribution to climate change is greatly out of proportion to its population. It is responsible for approximately one quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions. Yet, in 2001 President Bush pulled the United States out of its international commitment to the Kyoto protocol, leaving us and Australia as the only two industrialized countries uncommitted to the international effort to respond to the climate change threat.

President Obama has not been much better. At the 2009 Copenhagen Summit, the United committed to a 4% reduction in greenhouse gas emission from 1990 levels by 2020 – a puny and laughable gesture compared to the 80% reduction by 2050 that climate scientists say is necessary in order to avoid catastrophe.

Abrogation of international treaties
Just as a system of laws within nations is necessary to prevent the strong from crushing the vulnerable, and to maintain order with a minimum of violence, so is a system of laws necessary in international affairs – for very similar reasons. Following World War II the need for a strong system of international laws became widely apparent. The effort to establish such a system – The United Nations Organization – was successfully led by two U.S. presidents in succession, Presidents Roosevelt and Truman. Truman also played a lead role in the creation of the Nuremberg Tribunal of 1946, which led to the conviction of 16 Nazis for the war crimes which had recently resulted in monumental suffering and death.

I would have been quite proud of my country at the time for taking the lead role in these activities. But since that time the United States has done much to destroy the very system for the establishment of international peace that it had done so much to create, by failing on so many occasions to comply with that system. Its failure to comply has involved its many acts of military aggression directed at sovereign nations and more recently its widespread use of torture.

A great amount of evidence indicates that torture – a war crime – was widespread and condoned at the highest levels of the Bush administration, including George Bush and Dick Cheney themselves. Now Bush has even admitted to this crime in his recently released memoirs, and yet the reaction from our country has by and large been one of passive acceptance.

The Bush administration’s perpetration of war crimes was bad enough. Many Americans hoped that the Obama administration would aggressively pursue investigation followed by prosecution of those war crimes, as a means of sending a message to the international community of nations that it was serious about international law. Yet President Obama has steadfastly refused to have his Department of Justice investigate potential war crimes committed by high level personnel of the Bush administration.

Support of the International Criminal Court (ICC) would have been one of the best ways for our country to signal its support for international law. The purpose of the ICC is to prevent the most heinous of crimes that cannot or will not be addressed at the national level.

Though the Bush administration provided many excuses for its hostility to the ICC, the underlying issue appeared to be that it could not tolerate the possibility that an American could ever be tried before the Court. For example, Bush claimed that the Court’s jurisdiction could not extend to Americans because that would undermine “the independence and flexibility that America needs to defend our national interests around the world”. As Philippe Sands, a lawyer specializing in international law, suggests in his book “Lawless World”, such an excuse amounts to an assertion that U.S. leaders have no intention of adhering to the ICC’s prohibitions against some of the worst crimes imaginable. President Obama has done nothing to reverse that decision. I am deeply troubled by the fact that my country has done so much to destroy our system of international law by refusing to hold itself subject to so many international laws.

The United States exhibits the greatest level of income inequality of any of the rich nations of the world. Consequently, as of 2007 a study showed that more than a third of the wealth in the United States was held by the top 1% of households, while about 15% was held by the lower 80%.

Income inequality in the United States plunged during the 1930s with the onset of FDR’s New Deal. It then remained quite low for several decades, until the beginning of Ronald Reagan’s Presidency. It then began a precipitous climb, with a sharp decline beginning during the last year of Clinton’s Presidency, but then another sharp increase beginning at about the time that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy first went into effect, so that by the end of 2006 we exceeded even the peak ratio of 1929 that preceded the Great Depression.

Epidemiologists Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett demonstrate in their book, “The Spirit Level – Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger”, numerous non-economic consequences of obscene income inequality that are independent of absolute income or wealth. These consequences include more mental illness, greater use of illegal drugs, higher imprisonment rate, higher infant mortality rate, more homicides, lower educational performance of our children, lower index of child well-being, lower trust in our fellow citizens, and lower status of women, among other adverse societal effects.

A nation’s level of income and wealth inequality is largely a product of its laws and policies. A high level of national income and wealth inequality generally means that its elites have been successful in arranging its laws and policies to enhance their own wealth and power at the expense of everyone else.

In conclusion

I really do hate all of the things I discussed above. None of these are things that just happened accidentally. They are all mainly the result of a relatively small elite in our country who have fought hard to elevate their own individual wealth, status, and power way above that of the vast majority of Americans.

Thus, in the quest for private profit our elites buy politicians to pass legislation to consistently favor the few over the many. They lead us into one war after another, always with some justification, which often lacks even a semblance of sincerity. They proclaim that the international laws aimed at producing world peace don’t apply to the United States because we are too special to be constrained by such laws. They develop a criminal justice system in which record portions of our population are sent to prison for no good reason, while proclaiming our country to be the “land of the free”. Our democracy is greatly corrupted when their wealth is used to sway elections and to buy politicians who are pledged to conduct our nation’s business in their own interests rather than in the interests of the voters who elected them. And giant corporations spend millions of dollars on propaganda to deny the climate change that threatens world-wide catastrophe for billions of people – in the interest of enhancing their profits.

I hate that my country has done all these things and continues to do them. And I hate that the political party that I have belonged to for many decades is unable or unwilling to even acknowledge most of these problems, let alone make substantial inroads into solving them.

Friday, November 12, 2010

IF bushies Tax Cuts For The Rich Created Jobs Where The Fuck Are They?

Supporters of extending the Bush tax cuts claim they create jobs. This is their main argument for not allowing them to expire. But it is a lie. The Bush Tax Cuts did not create jobs. I don't know why this point is not being made repeatedly since there is so much evidence to support it.

President Bush signs his $1.35 trillion tax cut on June 7, 2001, at the White House. ">Supply Side Tax Cuts Failed to Deliver Jobs and Growth Between 2001 and 2007

This and other efforts of the “Bush Legacy Project” to rehabilitate the last administration’s job creation image and defend its tax cuts ignore the stark reality that the Bush administration’s tax policies fostered the weakest jobs and income growth in more than six decades, and ignored alarming labor market trends in minority communities. This record of anemic job creation was accompanied by sluggish business investment and weak gross domestic product growth that characterized the period after the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 went into effect.

Yet conservatives continue to argue for another round of permanent tax cuts similar to those of the Bush administration. Even if all of the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire as scheduled, the projected cost of the Bush tax cuts to the federal budget over the next ten years is $3.9 trillion, an average of 1.4 percent of the country’s total economic activity (GDP) per year. Those asking for more permanent tax cuts continue to justify the cost, claiming tax cuts create jobs.

From Christine Romer of the Council of Economic Advisers not looking back, but looking forward:

Extending High Income Tax Cuts is the Wrong Answer for the Economy

First, extending the high-income tax cuts would provide very little job creation in 2011. There is widespread agreement that the short-run economic benefits of high-income tax cuts are small. The Congressional Budget Office lists a tax cut for high-income earners as a particularly ineffective job creation measure. Private sector forecasters have reached the same judgment.1 The vast majority of economic research shows that higher-income earners spend less of a tax cut and so tax cuts to those earners create fewer jobs throughout the economy.

I could post evidence from many sources all night, all saying the same thing. The Bush Tax Cuts did not create jobs, they will not create jobs but they have cost this country trillions.

I posted an OP a while ago, high-lighting a report by David Cay on the Bush Tax Cuts. His report is the most thorough I have seen so far. You can find it here

He concluded his findings with this statement:

The hard, empirical facts:

The tax cuts did not spur investment. Job growth in the George W. Bush years was one-seventh that of the Clinton years. Nixon and Ford did better than Bush on jobs. Wages fell during the last administration. Average incomes fell. The number of Americans in poverty, as officially measured, hit a 16-year high last year of 43.6 million, though a National Academy of Sciences study says that the real poverty figure is closer to 51 million. Food banks are swamped. Foreclosure signs are everywhere. Americans and their governments are drowning in debt. And at the nexus of tax and healthcare, Republican ideas perpetuate a cruel and immoral system that rations healthcare -- while consuming every sixth dollar in the economy and making businesses, especially small businesses, less efficient and less profitable.

This is economic madness. It is policy divorced from empirical evidence. It is insanity because the policies are illusory and delusional. The evidence is in, and it shows beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts failed to achieve the promised goals.

So why in the world is anyone giving any credence to the insistence by Republican leaders that tax cuts, more tax cuts, and deeper tax cuts are the remedy to our economic woes? Why are they not laughingstocks?

THIS is one of the major causes of the Deficit! But the Deficit Commission perpetuates the lie that Social Security, which added ZERO to the Deficit, must be cut by raising the Retirement Age!

End the Bush Tax Cuts! The country cannot afford them. They did NOT and WILL NOT create jobs! They have cost this country trillions and added to the Deficit.

Social Security has cost this country NOTHING and added NOTHING to the Deficit!

What they are proposing is MADNESS, as David Cay says. To extend the Bush Tax Cuts is MADNESS.

Call Republicans in Congress and let them know WE KNOW they are lying. 

Do You Know Your Credit Score?


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Action Is My Duty - Reward Is Not My Concern

Published on Thursday, November 11, 2010 by
Why George W. Bush Should Still Worry

Bush Pens True Crime Book, No Justice for CIA Destruction of 92 Torture Tapes

Sell those books, George W, you may need the money for legal fees yet!
by Bill Quigley


Bush and other criminals will be brought to justice if the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) have their way.

CCR and ECCHR jointly intervened into a criminal investigation in Spain examining the role of former civilian and military officials from the Bush administration in the commission of international law violations, including torture. The investigation is ongoing and includes the crimes that Bush admitted he authorized.

CCR and ECCHR made it clear that they are committed to pursuing criminal accountability and Bush’s confessions help. In a joint statement they said:

“As Attorney General Eric Holder stated during his confirmation hearings, waterboarding is torture. Calling these acts what they are, torture, is not the result of differing legal ‘opinion,’ as Bush states; it is a matter of law. Harold Koh, the State Department Legal Adviser, confirmed this in Geneva last week, stating during the U.S. Universal Periodic Review that “the Obama administration defines waterboarding as torture as a matter of law” and it is not a ‘policy choice.’


“There are no circumstances or excuses—including ‘national security’—under domestic and international law that allow for the use of torture. And there is an obligation to investigate and prosecute torture.


“Debates as to whether or not waterboarding of detainees led to intelligence or make the nation ’safer’ are not relevant questions. The only valid question is: can we torture? The answer is no.


“But we will not wait any longer for the Obama administration to act—we will continue seeking justice and accountability under the principle of universal jurisdiction and as counsel in the ongoing investigation in Spain.”


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WTF Are Americans Thinking?

Glenn Beck unleashed his long-promised all-out attack on George Soros yesterday, and it was a doozy. Not that I give a hairy rats ass what Glenn Beck thinks because he’s just an impotent brain dead knuckle dragging drone that has a team of writers and don’t really need to be concerned with things like truth or actual facts.

The things Becky said about Soros were laden with half truths when he wasn’t downright lying as he is prone to do. The bullshit actually came close to rivaling the lies that are in bushies new book to show what a sensitive lying asshole he is.

Some of the asinine things it contained is how he relates a story to Matt Lauer regarding his drinking. bush said his worse moment was when at a dinner party with the entire dysfunctional family present he asked his mom’s friend what sex felt like after 50.

I mean CMON GEORGE, there's gotta be some darker shit out there, where you're eyeballs deep in a pile of Bolivian blow in some rathole motel in a Dallas ghetto, cutting himself with the shattered remains of a bottle of Jack Daniels he just polished off, getting his asshole eaten out by an old Mexican whore while jacking off on a picture of Babs, screaming, "I got your pearl necklace, Mommy, I got it right here."

Now that's a fuckin' drinking story.

Speaking of momma bush, how about that story about the fetus in a jar? I’m sure that you’ve heard about how Bar miscarried when W was a seedling and showed him the remains Yeah, no matter how you frame it, it's some sick ass shit. You can say, "No question that it affected him and his philosophy that we all should respect life," or how about how it showed it's that kind of demented parenting that actually drove him to drink n the first place.

And just when you thought the freak show was over, we have the midterm elections where the Democrats suffered their worse defeat since 1894.

Eighteen ninety fucking four.

Are you kidding me? Have we – as Americans – lost our fucking minds? How the hell did this happen?

I’ll tell you.

A 36% showing at the polls. Lazy ass Democrats allowed this to happen and now they’re all crying and scratching their asses. And the insanity has already started with social security, medicare and health care reform in the cross hairs of every newly elected republican.

So, as a Democrat – as an American – I must insist that we all stop playing and get serious with a balls out full court press against those that hate America and what made us a great country. Kinda like Becky is doing except with facts. We need to get Wall Street out of politics and focus on rewarding entrepreneurship. We need to stop policing the world and bringing savages democracy and freedom at gunpoint. We need to take care of our own.

Looks like I’m going to be Fed Up American for a long, long time.

Fox News Kiddie Fiddler BUSTED!

Source: Associated Press

A New York City TV reporter already accused in New Jersey of child sex assault faces an additional charge of possession of child pornography.

Authorities seized Charles Leaf's computer from his Wyckoff home when he was arrested last month on charges that he sexually abused a 4-year-old girl.

Bergen County prosecutors tell The Record newspaper that an analysis of the computer showed the award-winning Fox 5 reporter had child-pornography images on the computer.

Read more:

More from the Bergen Record:

(Defense attorney Jack) Venturi said he will arrange within a few days for his client to live with friends.

(Judge Liliana) DeAvila-Silebi, however, said that while many people wrote letters in support of Leaf, none was willing to put up their homes to help him post bail.

“And the fact that he could not find a friend to live with… I have to take all these factors into account,” she said.



Unless Leaf manages to post the $270,000 bail, he will remain at the Bergen County Jail until another bail hearing is held.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The GOP Is Imploding!!!

Michelle Bachman is being snubbed.

Sarah is being called every name in the book

DeMint is confused about which way he should go.

Rand Paul is flip flopping

Bush is telling all the dirt during his time in office


I love it. I love it. I love it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Anyone Remember Those 92 Tortue Tapes Destroyed By bushies CIA?

The statute of limitations expired over the weekend.

As you may know, in early November of 2005, agents of the United States government destroyed at least ninety two videotapes containing direct evidence of the interrogation and, upon admission and belief, torture of Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (see: here, here, here, here and here).

The statute of limitations, for the criminal destruction of said taped evidence in the cases of Abu Zubaydah and al-Nashiri will expire on Sunday November 7 (since the last day falls on a weekend, the statute should maintain through the next business day, which is Monday November 8). As we have heard absolutely nothing from Eric Holder, John Durham, the DOJ or the Obama Administration in relation to indictments or other results of the investigation Mr. Durham has been conducting since January 8, 2008, nearly three years, I thought a letter was in order asking just exactly what their status was. Said letter was addressed to Dean Boyd and Tracy Schmaler, official representatives and spokesmen for the Department of Justice, and reads as follows:

Dean and Tracy,

As I believe you are already aware, the statute of limitation on criminal charges including, notably, obstruction of justice for the destruction of evidence, are about to expire. The destruction appears to have occurred on or about November 8, 2005 and there is a five year statute on most all of the general crimes that could possibly be under investigation by John Durham. No competent prosecutor would have waited this long to file charges if he intended to do so, but there are still a couple of days left; what is the status?

Secondly, I would like to point out that should you be thinking about relying on some rhetoric that Mr. Durham simply cannot find any crimes to prosecute and/or that there were no proceedings obstructed, it is intellectually and legally impossible to not consider the tapes to be evidence, and as they almost certainly exhibit torture to some degree and to some part they would almost certainly be exculpatory evidence, in the cases of Abu Zubaydah and al-Nashiri themselves. The United States government continues to detain these individuals and they have charges that will putatively be brought against them in some forum (civil or tribunal), Habeas rights and/or indefinite detention review processes that will occur in the future.

In short, there exist not just the potential, but the necessity, of future proceedings, and agents of, or on behalf of, the United States government have destroyed material, and almost certainly exculpatory, evidence. Crimes have been committed. At a bare root minimum, it is crystal clear Jose Rodriquez has clear criminal liability; there are, without question, others culpable too. What is the status?

If the DOJ does not intend to proceed in any fashion on these clear crimes, please provide me with some intellectually consistent explanation for why the US government is covering up, and refusing to prosecute, the criminal acts of its own employees and agents.

Thank you.

bmaz and

If there is any worthwhile or meaningful response, I will advise.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ever Wonder How We in the U.S. Could Be So SICK, When We Spend So Much Money On Health Care?

Posted by McCamy Taylor in General Discussion

Light up, America!

If you are a heavy smoker, you can now get a lottery ticket that will give you a one in five chance of beating your first lung cancer!

Whoopee! I'll smoke to that!

The United States ranks at the bottom of industrialized nations when it comes to measures of health, such as infant mortality (ours is high) and life expectancy (ours is low). However, we spend twice as much per person on health care as any other country in the world. And that includes Canada and France.

A study released by the National Cancer Institute explains how this is possible. The National Lung Screening Trial studied 53,000 heavy smokers and former heavy smokers over the age of 55 for 20 months. Half got annual chest x-rays---already shown to have no effect in decreasing deaths from lung cancer. Half got CT scans each year. The CT scan group ended up with 20% fewer lung cancer deaths.

Eureka! Exclaims the New York Times. Now you can smoke your unfiltered Camels---and get a lottery ticket that gives you a one in five change of beating the (first) lung cancer that you will get from smoking.

The findings represent an enormous advance in cancer detection that could potentially save thousands of lives annually, although at considerable expenseThe findings represent an enormous advance in cancer detection that could potentially save thousands of lives annually, although at considerable expense.

Just how expensive will all those CT scans for heavy smokers be? Almost 20% ( 43 million) Americans smoke. That number is the same when you just consider middle aged Americans, too—the ones considered in the NLST study.

According to the U.S. Census there are around 40 million Americans who fall into the age range of 55-74—and this is the fastest growing demographic group in the country. So, if 20% of these folks smoke or used to smoke, that means 8 million CT scans a year. At $300 each, that means $2.4 billion a year spent on medical tests to catch one in ten cancers when they can be treated. Not so bad, until you consider that a “positive” CT scan does not necessarily mean cancer. Lots of people will go through unnecessary---and much more expensive and risky---testing, such as bronchoscopy and biopsy to prove that the little blip on their CT scan was not cancer. That will raise the expense of this medical “breakthrough” considerably.

It gets even worse if you consider the effect on the individual smoker. Now that there is a (slim) chance that smoking induced lung cancer can be caught in time, smokers will lose a powerful disincentive to smoke. If the new medical standard becomes a CT scan every year for smokers, then some smokers who might have quit because of fear of cancer will decide to keep puffing away---even though 80% of them destined to get cancer will still die. Why would Americans bet their lives on those kinds of odds? Because we all love to play the lottery. It is easy to convince ourselves that we will be among the lucky 20%.

Keep in mind that cancer is not the main way that smoking kills. Heart disease is the number on killer in the country, and smoking causes heart disease. The net result of this kind of “medical breakthrough” could actually be more premature deaths from heart attacks, emphysema, stroke and non-lung cancers associated with smoking (head and neck tumors, for example), if smokers decide to continue puffing away, secure in the knowledge that they now have a 20% chance of beating lung cancer.

The solution to all this lung cancer death---and the way to cut our rates of heart disease, other lung disease and stroke---is public health policy designed to keep people from smoking in the first place and encourage those who do smoke to stop before their addiction injures their health. However, prevention is a four letter word in America, where the medical industrial complex gets rich applying expensive---and often ineffective---Band-aids to treat diseases that could have been prevented in the first place at little to no cost.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The republican Plan To Kill You

The new reality in Washington is gridlock. The Tea Baggers came in with a mandate to undo health care reform legislation, but we all know that is impossible. The Democratic Senate will not go along with a massive re-write of their signature legislation. And if the Senate does agree to a few changes here and there, Obama will veto them.

That means your health is secure, right? Wrong. There are still plenty of ways that the new GOP House can kill you, because it controls the purse strings and (via phony staged “hearings”) the press.

I. The Tea Baggers Can Kill the Working Poor

The Health Insurance industry was tickled pink over most parts of the health care reform package passed by the 111th Congress. However, a few things galled them. Like having to write policies for sick people, the ones who are currently uninsurable because of pre-existing conditions. And having to spend a certain amount of their premiums on actual health care. And----though the insurers will never admit it----having to write policies for the working poor, who are counting upon government subsidies to help them afford private insurance.

What is wrong with the working poor? Some of them are the 50 Somethings who have been laid off from their jobs, which were either outsourced or rewritten so that their employers could replace them with younger, cheaper healthier workers. These hard working Americans now sling hash for minimum wage---without benefits. Too young to qualify for Medicare, they have a host of chronic medical problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic bronchitis, low back problems and heart disease. Then there are the medical poor, the ones whose parents could not work full time because of health problems, the ones who never finished high school and who now work in low paying jobs that do not provide health care coverage to treat the diseases which they inherited from their parents. The health insurance industry does not want to have anything to do with either of the above groups. And they would prefer not to have to write polices for certain other chronically disadvantaged groups like African-Americans, who have a greater burden of certain diseases, like heart disease and chronic kidney disease.

The new GOP House will be able to help the health insurance industry out by withholding the funds needed to help the working poor pay their insurance premiums---which are likely to be sky high by the time most of health care reform kicks in. They will not do this by actually stepping up to the plate and saying “No health insurance premium subsidies for the working poor!” That would make them look mean and elitist. No, they will step up to the plate, kiss their rosaries and promise “No health insurance premium subsidies for insurance companies that pay for abortion. Because God told us.” (See the link under III.)

Private health insurers always offer abortion coverage, because it is cheaper than paying for obstetric and nursery care. They will not change their polices, and the ultimate effect of the GOP plan to defund abortion will actually be no subsidies for anyone.

The GOP House can insure that insurance is too expensive for lower middle class Americans afford without subsidies, by holding pesky “hearings” any time the Obama administration tries to prevent insurers from raising rates. And the GOP House will make sure that the insurance industry never ever loses it exemption from federal anti-trust laws, meaning that insurers will be able to conspire to raise rates as one in order to keep health insurance out of the reach of those who need it most.

The provision of health care reform which pissed off right wing voters the most was the mandate. The GOP House will not touch that. Oh, they may pretend to attempt to pass legislation which eliminates the mandate. But they will do this secure in the knowledge that either the Senate or the President will block them. That is because the health insurers who bankrolled the Tea Parties just love the thought of being able to force young, healthy middle and upper-middle class Americans to buy overpriced insurance. Outlawing the mandate will become like outlawing abortion. It will be a pie in the sky by and by promise which the GOP will make to its supporters in order to encourage them to get out and vote.

II. The Tea Baggers Can Kill People Who Have to Take Medication

"Let me be clear. The president supports ... safe re-importation of drugs into this country," Axelrod told CNN's "State of the Union" program. "There's no reason why Americans should pay a premium for the pharmaceuticals that people in other countries pay less for."

The best thing that Obama can do right now to help the chronically sick and the elderly---and make Democrats popular----is have his FDA allow drugs to be imported from other countries like Canada. That would bring health care costs for consumers down overnight. Big Pharm can not bear the thought of that happening. They price gouge American consumers so that they can sell their drugs for less in other countries. And the GOP can not bear the thought of Obama doing anything that will endear him to Americans.

If---no, when the Obama administration allows drug imports, House GOPers will be ready with staged hearings in which they will show that foreign drugs kill. Big Pharm already has the plane tickets for the “witnesses” and it has already helped coach their testimony. We will hear from some woman in Winnipeg, who swears that she has to buy her heart medication in the U.S. “because the stuff they sell in my country almost killed me.” We will hear from a series of Americans who recount hair raising stories about how imported Viagra almost made their dicks fall off. We will learn that foreign Nexium could not help an alcoholic from having an upper GI bleed. Their star witness will be a child in a persistent vegetative state whose parents swear it was that cough syrup they bought while they were on vacation in another country.

Big Pharm money will be fed to the press via the SuperPacs. The corporate media will demand that (dangerous) foreign drugs be banned in the U.S. The FDA will not have the funding or the manpower to refute the House findings. If Obama bows to one kind of pressure and bans the imports, he will be hated by people who have to start paying more for their drugs. If he stands firm, healthy people who do not have to pay for drugs will fear him.

III. The Tea Baggers Can Kill Women

This one is easy. They will deny funding to Planned Parenthood and anyone else who provides contraceptive services. They will argue that certain forms of birth control---like the IUD---are really abortion, and they will make sure that working poor women around the country have no access to Pap smears, blood pressure checks, mammograms, immunizations or any of the other preventive health services which most women’s clinics now offer. /

IV. The Tea Baggers Can Kill Anyone Who Has to Breathe

Big Oil bought the New GOP House, and Big Oil plans to get its money’s worth. Republicans are already plotting “hearings” into why Americans should burn more fossil fuels. Expect the EPA to have its budget cut. Expect the (bribed) corporate media to tell us that clean air costs us jobs.

Air pollution has been proven to cause childhood pneumonia and adult heart attacks. It makes folks with asthma and chronic bronchitis even sicker than they already are. We have a whole generation of urban kids who are overweight and out of shape because they can not go outside to play---the air quality is too poor. Screw them, will be the motto of the new GOP House. Big Oil paid to get them into office and they do not plan to bite the hand that fed them.

Oh, and if you drink the water or eat the fish, prepare to die, too. The House will not let a little thing like the BP oil spill slow down off shore drilling. Nor will they fund federal efforts to step up inspections of oil rigs. Jobs first, safety last, that will be the GOP mantra. /

IV. The Tea Baggers Can Kill Veterans

It is going to take some balls to do this one, but there is a whole lot of corporate money at stake. Therefore, I expect to see the House attempt to slash the Veterans’ Administration’s funding, claiming that the nation’s veterans would be better served getting their care “in the private sector.” This will raise costs and make care more difficult for the nation’s veterans to obtain. However, the Tea Baggers can sweeten the deal by holding “hearings” in which selected veterans talk about their bad experiences at the VA.

If the House balks at the thought of alienating veterans, the health insurance industry will remind them that the VA is the biggest single payer, all inclusive health care program in the country. Vilifying and then crippling the VA will help the insurance industry delay the implementation of single payer health care. The GOP will weigh the relative benefits of veteran support versus more corporate money, and they will go for the cash. The 2012 elections are just around the corner.

V. The Tea Baggers Can Kill Everyone With Health Insurance

One of the GOP’s promises to America is “the freedom to buy health insurance across state lines”.

This is like telling the chickens they are now "free" to sleep with the fox.

Why is the health insurance industry so obsessed with this? Because right now, they are regulated by state insurance boards and state medical boards. These agencies are empowered by locally elected officials to keep the public healthy. If there is a problem with an insurance company, these regulatory boards will usually try to be fair to the voters. Otherwise, elected officials suffer at the polls.

Imagine what will happen if United Health can write all the polices for California from their office in North Dakota? And all the policies for North Dakota from an office in Alabama? Suddenly, if you have a complaint with an insurer---like it won’t pay for your daughters’ liver transplant which doctors say is necessary to save her life---you will have to turn to the federal government for relief. And we know how well that will work. Basically, every American will be at the mercy of its (out of state) insurer. Like Blanche Dubois, they will have to “depend upon the kindness of strangers.”

Forewarned is fore armed. They have already tipped their hand. A united Democratic Party can stop the House...and save lives.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

When You Let Crime Pay

President Obama was elected to succeed the most criminal regime in modern US history.

A regime in every negative sense of the word, a cabal who seized power by fraud and initiated an unprovoked aggressive war on a distant nation that posed no threat, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. A regime that announced its doctrinal contempt for the Constitution and rule of law, that legitimated torture, the "unitary executive" and shadow government.

Investigating the crimes of this regime was not only the right thing, it was a vital national priority to assure that the criminals and their party would not be able to return to power. If crime pays, criminals are empowered.

These predictions did not require magic or complex math, just a bit of historical memory.

Is America stupid enough to allow the mistakes of the past to repeat itself?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lets Look At Yesterdays Mid Term Election With REALITY

As the dust clears, as our fingers hopefully grow tired of finger-pointing, I want to offer some perspective from an old guy who's had over 40 years of activism within the Democratic Party. Most of all, I want to tell you that the world did not come to an end last night, and that even though the corporate media wants to dance on the grave of the Democratic Party and President Obama, it will be our side that will be doing the dancing. Why? Because the tide of history is on our side, the tide of the changing of our national demographics is on our side, as most important of all, as corny as it may sound: truth, justice and the American way are on our side.

What good news can we draw from last night? I'll tell you: In a friggin' mid-term election when Democrats don't normally show up at the polls, in the middle of the crushing national unemployment status caused by George W. Bush, in spite of the hundreds of millions of corporate cash including undisclosed funding, and in spite of the media's deafening cheer-leading for the GOP, with very few exceptions, the seats that we lost were not lost in landslides. Listen to me: they won most of their races by the skin of their teeth.

For me personally, losing Russ Feingold as a U.S. Senator last night was the most disheartening news. For those of us squarely on the Left of President Obama, it would be very difficult to explain his loss in Wisconsin as the result of his being not liberal enough. I sincerely do not know what more Russ could have done. To the voters of Wisconsin, shame on you. And to my sisters and brothers there in Wisconsin, let me tell you, this Californian will always be grateful for Russ Feingold. In this you can be very proud.

Don't fall into believing that there was a sweeping mandate for the Republican Party last night. There wasn't! They won a lot of seats, but considering the circumstances I mentioned above, their victories should have been overwhelming. They were not. And the Republican Establishment knows it.

The President has owned up to making mistakes. But good grief: please, step back and just look at what he had handed to him to repair less than 20 months ago. He ain't perfect, but he's still my President and I will support him. I would take a bullet for him. Proudly.

If you want someone to blame, then blame this Supreme Court for their shooting down campaign finance regulations. In many ways, this election was stolen from the people by the Supreme Court just as the election in 2000 was. President Obama did not do that. He even scolded them in front of the nation for their "decision".

In spite of all of that, take heart: In 2012, there will be a much larger voter turnout than there was yesterday. There always is in with Presidential Elections and that bodes very well for us...especially in light of the razor slim victories the GOP took last night.

We still have the Executive Office and we still have the Senate.

We've come a very, very long way since the dark days of George W. Bush's Administration. Ponder that.

And everyone here at the DU, whether you are mad at each other or not, you all deserve credit for having made that change.

Ok, we have lost a battle. We have not lost the war. I've seen our Party in far worse times than this.

The goddamned glass is half full!

History is on your side. Take heart.

I'm not quitting. I will never stop fighting those bastards until the day I die.

Again: Truth, Justice and the American Way are on our side.

Let's get back into the ring and slug the living shit out of our opponents!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Love republican Style
I. The Republican Congress That Tried to Bail Out Enron

Mere days after 9-11, the Republican controlled House put together a “financial stimulus” package that would have given the failing Enron billions of dollars of your tax money to flush down the toilet with all your other money that the company had already stolen. They did not call it the “Enron Bailout of 2001 Bill”. But that is what it was. The White House lobbied for it. The Democratic Senate considered it…

And Democrats decided that Enron did not deserve a bailout. Too bad if their hopes of building a Trans-Afghanistan pipeline had been crushed by the collapse of the World Trade Center. What were Ken Lay and the Bush administration doing promising a “carpet of gold” to the Taliban anyway? We do not negotiate with terrorists, and we certainly do not sign contracts with terrorists!

II. The Republican Congress That Tried to Take Away Your Right to Die With Dignity

Remember Terri Shiavo? Remember how the GOP decided that they needed to “excite the pro-life base”? Remember how they wrote a law, known as “The Palm Sunday Compromise” that applied only to Shiavo’s parents---breaking the law in the process, since Congress is not allowed to pass laws in respect to persons? Remember how President Bush staged a flight back to DC to sign this bogus piece of legislation? Remember the many hours of TV footage we were shown of poor Ms. Shiavo in her vegetative state? Death with dignity? Don’t make me laugh. The Republican Congress under Tom Delay turned that poor woman’s death into a three ring media circus.

III. The Republican Congress That Threatened to Go Nuclear

The 109th U.S. Congress did things like give Big Oil a multibillion dollar tax break---as if they needed an incentive to drill with gas prices over $4 a gallon. And they saddled you with credit card and medical debt until the end of time.

But…but…Democrats did not filibuster it!

Remember the so called “Nuclear option”? I am not here to argue for or against the legality of the “Nuclear option”. I want to discuss the mindset of politicians who do not simply threaten to hold their breath until their faces turn blue. No, they declare that they will drop a great big atomic bomb on the Government if they do not get their way. There is something very disturbing about this image. It shows a lack of respect for the rule of law---and human life. Remember how Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas) offered to fly a jet over Syria and drop a couple of nukes on that country?

IV. The Republican Congress that Killed the Federal Government

1995 was not a very merry Christmas if you were a veteran in need of services or a retiree dependent upon your Social Security or a federal employee with bills to pay. In 1995, Newt’s Republican Congress decided that the country did not need a federal government---and so they shut it down. Remember why Newt did it? Because Clinton made him sit at the back of Air Force One.

V. The Republican Congressman Who Shoots Watermelons….and Harasses the President

Remember Rep. Dan Burton (R-Indiana)? The GOP stuck a sock in his mouth after Bush stole the 2000 election. But before that, he used his position on the House Government Reform Committee to investigate Clinton. And Clinton again. And yet more Clinton. Did not matter what the president did. Old rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ Dan was there to mail out subpoenas and call witnesses.

Dan Burton became a legend in his own time by inviting reporters to watch him shoot watermelons in his backyard. No, he was not drunk (I don’t think). He wanted to prove his theory that Vince Foster did not commit suicide.

I have deliberately avoided cluttering this OP with links, however, I could not resist this one. If the GOP takes over the House, they have a new “Dan Burton” just waiting to take over the 24-7 job of harassing President Obama. Darrell Issa, the Republican Congressman from California, who got Democratic Governor Gray Davis kicked out of office in California, so that Arnold could quietly shut down the Enron civil suit. That case could have been a serious embarrassment to the Bush administration had witnesses been deposed.
Darrell Issa has already proven that he can take out one elected Democrat. In the new, Republican 112th Congressional House of Representatives, he is going to set his sights higher.

Things You Have To Believe To Be A Republican

Things You Have To Believe To Be A Republican Today:

* Ordering the plug pulled on a brain dead spouse is an Affront to the Culture of Life, unless the one ordering the plug pulled is Tom Delay's mother. That's an intensely private family decision that's none of our business.

* Ruling against the discrimination of gays is unrestrained judicial activism; the Supreme Court giving the 2000 election to a Republican who got a half million less votes is a proper use of judicial power.

* Questioning John Kerry's Purple Heart for getting shot at in Vietnam is a valid political issue. Questioning George W. Bush's attendance record in the Air National Guard is a liberal smear campaign.

* The Geneva Convention is "quaint"

* Political discourse has gone rotten in this country, and Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter are totally correct to blame it all on those filthy evil America-hating terrorist-loving Muslin communist socialist Nazi liberals.

* Bill Clinton was a draft dodger for not serving in Vietnam. But it was okay for Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Clarence Thomas, Dan Quayle, Tom Delay, Tom Tancredo, and Pat Buchanan to not go.

* Filibustering to stop civil rights legislation was a proper exercise of minority power in parliamentary procedures. Filibustering Bush's anti-civil rights judges is an affront to the democratic process.

* Similarly, taking away the filibuster to let those anti-civil rights judges through would have been proper; using "reconciliation" to give people health care reform on a straight majority vote was a tyrannical overreach of majority power.

* Watergate burglar G. Gordon Liddy is a hero. "Deep Throat" Mark Felt is a traitor.

* Amending the Constitution to outlaw flag burning is a good way to uphold our traditions of freedom of speech.

* Cindy Sheehan was disrespecting her son's memory by speaking out against the war that killed him, and we're sure he wouldn't have had any problem with Bush supporters calling her "Ditch Bitch" and smearing her with every dirty trick in the book.

* Waterboarding is only torture when used against American soldiers in World War 2.

* It's okay to hit on underage pages, solicit gay sex in an airport bathroom, and cheat on your wife (with or without diapers, payoffs, rentboys, or trips to Argentina) as long as you're a Good Christian(TM).

* A cable news network that parrots right wing talking points 24/7 is "fair and balanced". A cable news network that airs two or three commentators who question right wing talking points is "in the tank for the Left" even though it has a three hour morning show hosted by a former Republican congressman.

* Barack Obama is a racist for picking a Latina for the Supreme Court instead of a white man. Rush Limbaugh playing "Barack the Magic Negro", signs depicting Obama as a witch doctor, and postcards featuring the White House lawn filled with watermelons have nothing at all to do with racism, and are instead valid criticisms of the President's health care policies.

* Hawaii is part of Kenya.

* Invoking Nazism when talking about warrentless wiretapping, torture, secret death squads, and starting unprovoked wars is a sign that the speaker is a shrill, paranoid whackjob. Invoking Nazism when talking about providing health care for all is a valid and appropriate comparison.

* The salaries, bonuses, perks, "retention awards", ect. of executives must always increase to attract and retain top talent, regardless of the company's actual financial health. The pay and benefits of workers must be kept as low as possible, even when the company is profitable, in the name of Being Competitive In The Global Marketplace. This is not class warfare, but pointing out this fact is.

* Similarly, the severance packages ("golden parachutes") of the executives must be paid even if the executive's financial mismanagement of the company is the reason they're being removed. Unemployment claims by workers fired on a whim must be fought tooth and nail.

* Cutting taxes to the wealthiest Americans while slashing services that benefit the poor and middle class is not Class Warfare. Pointing out this fact, however, is the worst sort of Class Warfare.

* Deficit spending, when caused by health care, unemployment benefits, food stamps, and other programs designed to help the poor and middle class, is cause for deep concern. Deficit spending, when caused by military spending and cutting taxes to big business and the richest of the rich, doesn't matter.

* The differences between the exit polls and the official vote tally in the Ukraine in 2004 was proof that there was massive electoral fraud. The differences between the exit polls and the official vote tally in Ohio in 2004 was proof that something was wrong with the exit polls.

* You are enraged when Glenn Beck tells you Barack Obama is plotting to track everyone through the OnStar GPS in their cars, but was okay with George Bush admitting to tapping your phones and reading your email.

* Sonya Sotomayor following the law and judicial precedent in the case of a white firefighter claiming "reverse racism" means she's a "Judicial Activist" (and of course a racist). John Roberts and his Justices overturning a century of settled law and judicial precendent to allow big business to more blatantly buy our elected officials means they're "Strict Constructionists".

* A brown-skinned Muslim who calls for the bombing of Americans, the deaths of American soldiers, and the assassination of American elected officials is a terrorist. A white-skinned Christian who calls for the bombing of Americans, the deaths of American soldiers, and the assassination of American elected officials is a patriot.

* You show how strictly you follow the Constitution by wanting to ignore the First, Fourth, Fifth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Sixteenth Amendments.

* Women are inferior to men, and should be barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen, and quiet; unless they're really hot and run for political office as Republicans.

* The Constitution says nothing about things like establishing justice, insuring domestic tranquility, providing for the common defence, promoting the general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty, but does say that we are a Christian nation ordained by God and no other religions should be acknowledged in any way.

* Anybody who thinks Bush and Cheney got us into Iraq just to enrich Halliburton and the oil companies is a shrill conspiracy theorist. Anybody who thinks Obama pushed for health care reform because he hates white people, was programmed by Kenyan socialists to be a double agent, and might be the Antichrist, is a speaker of the secret truths that "they" don't want you to hear.

* You are a female politician opposed to masturbation, even though rednecks who jack off to your picture are your most reliable voting block.

* If a commentator is fired for making racist comments, it's an example of "political correctness" gone too far. If a protestor is curb-stomped for daring to question a Teabagger candidate, it says nothing about the validity of the Teabagger movement, and she probably deserved it anyway.

* The Bible is the inerrant, literal word of God when it talks about the Earth being created in six days and homosexuality being an abomination. The Bible is a flawed work interpreted by errant humans when it talks about loving your neighbor, turning the other cheek, and the evils of greed.

* The greatest threat to our democracy today is billionaire George Soros giving money to political causes he believes in. The greatest boon to democracy today are billionaires Rupert Murdoch, Richard Mellon Scaife, and the Koch Brothers giving money to political causes that make them richer.

* The candidate who concieved a child out of wedlock and sent videos of a woman having sex with a horse is an examplar of American family values. A congressman who just happens to be Muslim is a threat to America.

* A successful terrorist attack during a Republican administration proves we need strong, Republican leadership to fight terrorism. Unsuccessful terrorist attacks during a Democratic administration prove we need strong, Republican leadership to fight terrorism.

* Bipartisanship means Republicans and Democrats coming together to do exactly what Republicans want.

Liberals got women the right to vote.

Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.

Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.

Liberals ended segregation.

Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

Liberals created Medicare.

Liberals passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

What did the ignorant conservatives do?

They opposed them on every one of those things.

Every damn one!

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.